Monday 5-Nugget's mission

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The sound of the alarm clock wakes me up as usual. I don't want to go, of course but I know that mum will make me. I drag myself into my favourite blue shirt and red skirt. Putting my ginger hair into a plait down my back, I walk with mum down the street not speaking. She tries to engage me in conversation but I'm to frustrated and to scared to care, the school is dangerous but no one believes me when I tell them. When we arrive, I hug her. Hopefully, I get to see her again. Sighing, I look down... and step into kindergarten

I am one of the last to arrive, as usual. Lilly is in the corner sniffling about Billy while Cindy is plotting something, probably trying to put gum in her hair again. Nugget is staring at a wall muttering to himself Jerome and Monty are talking and I can see a YoYo in Monty's pocket. The janitor is mopping the sidewalk, for some reason that I dare not ask, and Miss Applegate is guarding the door. I sit between Nugget and Lilly as I always do.

As Jerome and Monty separate, a boy walks in. He's wearing a blue striped shirt and looks slightly amused. He is carrying a flower. He approaches Nugget and gives him the flower. Nugget looks at the flower before looking back up at the new boy. He hands him something familiar... a nugget of friendship. I am trying to get them all right now and I only have one left. The boy then walks away toward Monty he hands Monty some money and gets something back. It looks like the YoYo he had in his pocket. The boy then talks to Cindy who gives him something giggling. He grimaces before talking to Lilly. I approach closer so I can listen. I see him hand her gum. I angrily sigh and glare at Cindy. But this kid seems ok. Lilly even smiles at him. The bell rings as the boy walks away.

Nugget calls the boy over and they talk for a bit. I take out my book. I am tying to practise reading harder books. I'm good but Monty's still better than me. I hear footsteps approaching after a while and the new boy talking and handing something to Lilly. She looks at in in confusion before tapping me on the shoulder. I look up questioningly. "Can you read this?" She asks "I'll try" I replied. I look down at the paper. The writing was atrocious, it would take me a while to decipher. I told them and the boy snatched it from my hands. Lilly then approaches the teacher. She asks her to read the letter. "OOOOOOOOH!! Gather round children, Nugget has written Lilly a loooooove poem." I glance at Nugget, he looks furious. Miss Applegate clears her throat and says " Nugget likes the pretty Lilly. He also misses her brother, Billy. Nugget likes the Lilly's hair," Nugget was getting angrier but Lilly was blushing slightly. "Nugget likes to... smell her chair?" Miss Applegate seems confused. "Nugget do we need to see the counsellor again, this is getting pretty weird" Cindy, Buggs and Jerome all laugh Monty chuckles slightly but Nugget shouts and snatches the letter back from Miss Applegate. The lunch bell rings. We all walk to lunch. The new kid looking happy, walking next to Nugget.

At lunch Lilly and I sit next to each other, as usual. She leaves halfway through to 'go to the bathroom' I know it is pointless trying to sit with nugget, he is taking to the new boy about Buggs. The boy nods after Nugget gets hit with slop and walks up to Buggs. He gives him the nugget and pressures him into eating it. I watch with interest, I know from watching others that the nuggets where deadly. Buggs doesn't have long left to live. He won't even make it to recess. A few minutes later, Buggs collapses on the floor, his stomach spilling out of his mouth. I look away in disgust. The bell rings and we all proceed outside to play.

Lilly stares at the statue of the principle as I lounge beneath it, reading and watching Nugget and the new kid. I see the boy approaching and placing something behind the statue, I realise what it is a split second to late, I dive away from the statue as he shouts "THE PRINCIPLE KILLED BILLY." I roll towards the slide, out of the way, safe. But the teacher comes striding up to the boy and Lilly. She tells them to go to the Office. The boy bribes her into letting him go but Lilly is forced to leave. The boy then returns to Nugget. And they proceed into the Nugget Cave. I stand there knowing my friend is dead, I sit on the grass. Sighing, sadly. I already miss her. When Nugget emerges, he has tears in his eyes the boy looks happy but his eyes are red as well. Nugget starts towards me however, the bell rings before he can say anything.

Show and tell is the same as always, except Lilly isn't here. Crying, I run home and, before mum can do anything, up to my room. Crying, I hide under my duvet trying to block out the world, not wanting to except the truth. I wish today would restart, I wis Lilly was still alive.

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