My First day of school

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Two years ago

It was my  first day of school. My parents moved for work but I was not excited to have to make new friends. I was nervous about my new school but I reminded myself to stay calm. 

Our parents told my sisters and me that we were moving one day after school.  They told us that they needed to talk to us. Then are parents told us that we're going to have to moving because of are Dad's job. Because he was in the military they knew that they were going to have to move sooner or later but this was still shocking. We had lived in California all are lives. I had mixed feelings shock, anger, confusion and most of all sadness. I was sad to leave my home, school, and friends. The next night I invited my friends over and by the morning they were all sodding.  

I was watching out the car window I was trying to listen to hear music but my sisters were arguing about something stupid like makeup or a boy band or something. All of my sisters were nervous for the first day. But I could tell my sister Brooke was the most nervous. But she was really easy to get along with. Brooke was twelve and loved fashion, makeup, her phone,and social media. She was really pretty with dirty blonde hair and sky blue eyes. Gabby looked a lot like Brooke but had cute little freckles on her cheeks and nose. She was very athletic and did soccer, basketball, and track. Brooke and Gabby look a lot like are Mom. Were as Hailey looks a lot like are Dad she has light brown hair and dark brown eyes. She is six and was amazing at dance. She is sweet and so adorable. I have blonde hair with pink and blue highlights and brown eyes. I look both like my Mom and Dad.

"Bree!" my mom yelled over her earbuds.    

"Yes," I said and pulled one my earbuds out. Then realized I was at school.

"Bye sweetie," my mom said.

"Bye," I tried to remain calm.

I walked into the school it was way bigger than my old school with high roofs with gray walls and white lockers. I walk father into the school and saw a huge library and cafeteria. My old school was small and it had no library so I had to go to the public library. I loved to write it was one of my favorite things to do I loved to write about graveyard and stuff like that my parents were shocked when they read my stories but I told them it was fine and kept writing about stuff like that. It didn't bother me what people thought about my writing I like writing it and that was all that mattered . I walked into my  first class, English.

"Hey are you new? I haven't seen you around before," said the boy beside me.

"Yes," I said.                                                                                                                                                  

The boy hade bright blue eyes and strawberry blonde hair that was slightly sticking up like he had just ran his hands though his hair. He had freckles all over his face like they were sprinkled across his face. I could feel my cheeks getting red and quickly turned away. 

"I'm Conner," he said grinning.

"Bree," I told him try not to blush.

"All right class we have a new student," said Mrs York. "Bree why don't you tell the class a little bit about yourself."

"Um okay I moved her from California and I have 3 sisters," I told the class without anything left to say.

"Thank you Bree, Megan can show Bree around the school?" she asked a girl in the back row.

The girl look over at me and smiled I smiled back. She had light brown hair with brown eyes. Her skin was tanned. 

"Yes," she said.

Conner kept making jokes all class he was really funny. I could not help but blush when he made jokes. After class I got my books and Megan came up to me when I was about to leave the classroom.

"Hey, I like you beanie, where did you get it?" Megan asked why we were walking.

"Um I think I got it for a Christmas present when I was really little," I told her.

"Hey do you what to meet my friends?" She asked.

"Sure," I said excited to meet more people.

We came to a group of girls they were talking and laughing loudly.

"Hey guys this is Bree she just moved her from California," Megan told them. "Bree this is  my sister Maddie and these are my friends  Chloe, Anna, Addy, and Hope.

"Hey that is so cool I have always wanted to go to California you are so lucky that you got to live there," Maddie said.

Maddie looked exactly like Meagan but a little shorter Chloe was tall skinny with blonde hair and green eyes. Anna was very pretty with bronzed skin brown hair and blue eyes. Addy had red hair and hazel eyes. Hope had blonde hair and also had hazel eyes and the tiniest freckles I had ever seen. 

"Hey why don't you eat lunch with us," said Hope.

"Sure," I replied trying contain my excitement.

All the girls were really nice. I noticed that there was a girl sitting under a tree by herself reading a book she look a lot like Conner with strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes and freckles. 

"Who is that?" I asked the girls.

"That is Alex I think she is like Conner's sister or something she is like a nerd I don't know," Chloe shrugging.

After class Conner came up to me.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey" I said back.

"I just wanted to say that if you need anything then just ask me," he said blushing.

"Okay I will, bye," I said.

"Bye," he said looking slightly disappointed.

"How was school," my mom asked after school.

"Great," all of my sisters said smiling.

"Bree?" my Mom asked.

"Yeah it was great," I said thinking about something else.

I was thinking about what Conner said earlier I kept blushing when I thought about him. Today was a really good day. But I just want an adventure badly and write about adventures was not enough so if one was not going to come to me I was going to find one.

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