The Germany Trip

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After class I walked to the library to check out a few mystery stories. Then I saw Alex doing the weirdest thing she was hugging a book and talking to it. Conner was also with her acting like what she was doing was normal. I saw him hand her another book and say something that I could not hear. Cindy, Lindy, Mindy, and Wendy were also there. They were four of the most annoying girls I have ever met. They were in a book club together and what I have heard from some of my friends is they are inseparable since first grade. Even though they are in a club they never let anyone else join not that anyone else wants to join. They were where Conner and Alex could not see them. They were in a small circle whispering stuff I could not hear. I walked out of the library not wanting to be seen. What were they doing? Alex was one of the smartest girls in the school why was she hugging a book?  Something was seriously up with those twins. 

"Ms. Campbell Mrs Peters would like you in her office please," my Spanish teacher said the next day.

I walked down to the office. Did I do something wrong? I have always been a good student and have never done anything wrong before. 

"Ms. Campbell thank you so much for coming to my office," Mrs Peters said.

"Am I in trouble?" I asked her.

"No not at all. I am going to get straight to the point. One of my friends in Germany told me about a time camisole from the Brothers Grimm. And I have chosen you and a few of other writers to go."

"That is so cool I have to go!" I exclaimed.

"Yes I saw you and Mr Bailey's writing it was terrific and I looked at your other creative writing and it was also terrific."

"Is Conner coming?" I blurted out.

"He is next So I don't know yet but I hope he does ,"  she said to me.

"How much does it cost?" I asked. 

"2,000 dollars."

"What?!" I half screamed.

"It is pricey but you are a very good writer and I hope you can come," she said.

"Thank you," I said.

I walked out of the office I really wanted to go on that trip. It would be a good experience for me. I get the adventure. But I would also get to spend more time with Conner. I walked into my house and started to beg my parents.

"Hey Mom how was your day?" I asked.

"It was good, wait what do you want?" she asked me.

"Nothing," I lied.

"You always do that when you want something," she stared at me.

"Fine there is a trip to Germany and I really want to go so much so if I pay for half of it will you pay for the other half?" I asked hopefully.

"How much dose it cost?" She asked me.

"Two thousand dollars," I said. "But I will pay one thousand of that."

"Okay you can go but you have to half of it and the only reason I am letting you go is because I think this a great opportunity," she said.

"Thank you so much!" I thanked her exploding with happiness.

"Hey, are you going on the Germany trip?" Conner asked me the next day.

  "Yeah are you?" I asked him.

"Yes see you there!" He joked.

"Conner," I said laughing. "The trip is in two weeks I will see you before that and I will also see you in English."

"I meant I will see you in English," he said all so laughing and walked away.

"Guess what!" I said to my friends at lunch.

"What," Meagan and Maddie said and laughed together. I guess saying thing together is a twin thing?

"I am going to Germany for a school trip," I said try to contain my excitement.

"That is so cool!" Chloe said.

"I am jealous!" Anna said.

"You have to tell us all about it when you get back and you have to text us every day," Hope instructed.

"Okay I will," I promised them. "To be honest though I am really excited!"

                                         Time skip 

I was supposed to be pack for Germany but my friend were texting me none stop.

Maddie: hey guys

Hope: hello

Chloe: aloha 

Anna: hey

Addy: hi

Me: Hey what's up?

Meagan: Me and Meagan were wondering if you guys would what to go see a movie before Bree leaves us!😭

Me: It's not like I am leaving you guys forever. But sure I would love to. What time?

Maddie: Seven? We could go see the new Jumanji?  

Chloe: si 

Anna: Yes 

Addy: cool

Hope: Yeah 

Me: Alright see you at seven!😘

After the movie we went to go get ice cream. And I and got in bed by midnight I knew that I probably was not the best idea to stay up that late before the flight tomorrow but it was worth it, we hade so much fun. I was so excited for tomorrow I  could barely sleep.

Sorry it is really bad. 😆😆 But I hope you like it!

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