The Cemetery

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After we were on the plane for what felt like months. We finally reached London and we boarded are next flight to Germany. I had read most of the flights and had only gotten a few hours of sleep. We finally reached Germany. We got of the plane and got are bags.

"I recommend we try to sleep as soon as we get to the hotel," Mrs Peters said. "We don't want to be to jet-lagged for the readings tomorrow."

We followed Mrs. Peters out of the airport and to a van that she had arranged to pick us up. The driver was a older man that look like he had swallowed a lemon. He had a plump face and and a thin mustache. He held up a sign that said, PETERS. We finally got to the Hotel Gewaltiger  Palast which Mrs. Peters told us that it meant Enormous Palace Hotel. But the name did not live up to the expectations. It was very small and a boring tan color the inside was about the same it had the same tan color as the outside and only had one picture. Apparently it had been there since World War ll . We got or keys a got in the elevator.

"Wendy and Lindy are sharing a room on the second floor. Mindy, Cindy, and Bree are sharing a room on the third floor and Conner you get your own room on the fourth floor. Now everyone try to get some sleep," Mrs. Peters instructed.

Mindy, Cindy, and me went to our room. I don't know how I am going to spend three days with them. The room was pretty small with three beds and a chair in the corner and the smallest bathroom I have ever seen. Mindy and Lindy started to whisper and point at me I just laughed are they that dumb that they do not see me right here? I go to the window and look out at the beautiful city. The city is unlike any I have ever seen before it is so pretty with all the different colors. I look up and see Conner above me staring at me. I just laugh and wave.  He waves back and turns red. I close the curtains and was going to take a nap I was so tired. I flopped on the bed and it was easily the most uncomfortable thing I have ever laid on the bed felt like paper and I was so jet-lagged I could hardly sleep. I woke up and it was hard to stand it was either because of how uncomfortable the bed was or I was so jet-lagged. We meet up in the lobby and took a walk around town. The city was even prettier up close. There was a office building made entirely out of glass and a art illustration of a balloon dog by a statue of a German opera singer. Tiny shop looked like gingerbread houses were across the street from strip malls that looked like the ones back home. After we finished our walk went to a small restaurant that was across the street from our hotel. I could tell Conner was trying to avoid looking at me. Ugh boys are so confusing! 

"Try to get as much sleep as you can when you get back to the hotel we have a big day tomorrow," Mrs. Peters told us. "The stories will be read at the cemetery at noon so we will meet at ten for the complimentary breakfast or if you want to sleep in we will be leaving at eleven sharp."

We all went back to are rooms. I tried to fall asleep but I couldn't. I did not know if it was of excitement or if the bed was so uncomfortable. I the morning Mindy, Lindy and I got ready and we went down stairs. Mindy and Lindy stayed up all night talking about some stupid boy band and some relationship in a book. I was so tired! We all got breakfast and meet Mrs. Peters in the lobby The Book Huggers (What Mindy, Cindy, Lindy and Wendy reading club was called now) Mrs. Peters and I were waiting impatiently for Conner. Finally he ran down the stairs.

"Sorry I am late," he said out out of breath. "I overslept."

"Not to worry," Mrs. Peters reassured him. "Five minutes is not a tragedy."

The Book Huggers glared at him with the most hateful glare I have ever seen someone give someone. What was there problem? He was five minutes late he did not personally humiliate them. We left the hotel and found the driver from yesterday. We road though the city all at the edge of our seats. I saw a poster adverting the The Brothers Grimm event. A couple of them were in English. They cemetery looked a lot different than I was expecting. It was at the end of a long cul-de-sac. There was a apartment and a office building that surrounded it. The stone gate was covered in ivy and had a crucifix at its peak 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2020 ⏰

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