The Plane Ride

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I wake up feeling so tired. I think I got like an hour of sleep because I was so excited for today. I should have not seen that movie last night. I finally got up and got dressed brushed my teeth grabbed my suitcase and beanie and went downstairs to say bye to my sisters and Mom. When I got down the stairs all my sisters tackled me in a hug. 

"I am going to miss you so much," Brooke said and Hailey and Gabby nodded.

Seriously I am going away for three days not a month. Everyone needs to chill. But I tried to be as nice as I could.

"I am going to miss you to," I said but not completely meant it. It's not that I am not going to miss them it's just I need a break from them.

"I love you," my mom said. "Please make good choices."

"Bye guys," I said to them.

I got in my Dad's truck. We stopped to get food. Then we drove to the airport.

"Bree!" my Dad yelled. "Bree wake up we are at the airport."

"Uh," I groaned sleepily.

I got out of the car and I could see Conner and Mrs. Peters. I also saw four girls I didn't want to see on this trip. Standing there was Mindy, Cindy, Lindy, and Wendy. Not to sound rude but of corse they had to come.

"I love you Bree," my Dad said and hugged me.

"Oh come on not you to," I laughed and my Dad laughed with me. "Bye Dad."

"Bye," he said.

"Good morning Mr. Campbell," Mrs. Peters said to me.

"Good morning everyone," I said with a gigantic yawn.

"Let go inside and check in," Mrs. Peters instructed.

We went inside and showed are passports to the lady at the counter. Conner was standing right behind me. Wow could I ever get away from that boy.

"Mindy, Cindy, Lindy, and Wendy are in row thirty-one seats A, B, C, and D. Conner and Bree are in row thirty-two  seats A and B," Mrs. Peters told us.

Okay breath I am sitting by Conner for a plane ride I will survive. I looked up and I saw Conner looking at my passport picture.

"Your passport picture is way better than mine," he told me. "I got mine over the summer and made the mistake of asking if I was supposed to smile right as they took the picture." He showed me his passport picture.

"It kind of look like you sneezed and it scared you," I said.

I instantly regretted saying that. I was not trying to be rude I just said the first thing that came to my mind.

"Would you like to check your bag, sir," the lady at the counter asked Conner.

"Oh please take her," Conner said.

What the suitcase has a gender? I thought to myself. The lady stared at him with the same expression as me.

"I mean take it," Conner said. "Take the suitcase."

We got on the plane and walked down the aisle to are seats. Conner sat by the window and I sat next to him. I unzipped my back which was filled with murder-mystery novels.

"Are you okay by the window," Conner asked.

"But you are by the window," I said confused.

"Oh right meant to ask was was if you want to sit by the window I would not mind switching seats," Conner said.

"I'll be fine I am just going to read most of the flight," I said and gestured to my backpack.

"So have you wrote anything interesting lately?" Conner asked.

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