Chapter Eleven- Charlotte

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I woke up in the middle of the night in a panic. Something was wrong and I could feel it. Call it mother's intuition or whatever you wanted, but I could just sense something was off. I laid there for a second, trying to get my bearings. Our room was pitch black, but the clock on my nightstand was illuminating, showing 2:28AM. Everyone should be in bed and asleep right now. Everyone should be safe.

After a minute, I realized there was an odor in the air. Marijuana. That was probably what had woken me up.Was one of the kids smoking? I threw the covers off of me in an angry rage and flew down the stairs, ready to read whichever one of them it was the riot act. I got about halfway down the stairs when I realized it wasn't just weed I was smelling—it was smoke. Real smoke. There was a faint light on in the kitchen and I could hear giggles as I made my way there, only making me more angry. I was about to turn the corner right as the smoke alarm started blaring. Jesus Christ, what was going on?

I came into the kitchen expecting to find at least one of my children, but instead I found Luca, Angelo and Marco. Luca was shirtless, standing at the oven holding a cookie tray with whatever he had tried to cook ablaze on top of it. There were joints and bongs and all kinds of stuff spread out on the counter and Marco and Angelo were nearly doubling over with laughter sitting at the kitchen island.

"Fuck." Luca chuckled, tossing the tray into the sink and turning the water faucet on. "Should we go to Taco Bell?"

"You three aren't going anywhere." I hissed, waving my hand in front of me to ease some of the smoke.

All three of them turned to me, stunned, as if just realizing I was standing here.

"Baby." was all Luca said, his eyes wide.

"Hi Char." Marco smirked, flashing me a wink.

Angelo just stared down at his lap like a scolded child. I rushed over to turn off the alarm so hopefully the kids wouldn't wake up. I had no idea how I'd explain this one.

"Are you guys out of your mind? It's 2:30 in the morning and my children are sleeping upstairs and you decide to use my kitchen to get high?" I glared, narrowing my eyes at Luca. I knew he was going through a rough time, and I had tried to be sensitive to that the last few weeks, but this was pushing it.

"Technically, we got high in the backyard but we got hungry so Luca made pizza rolls, or well, at least he tried to..." Angelo rambled and then all three of them dissolved into laughter again.

"Of course he did." It was clear I was going to get nowhere tonight. "Here's what's going to happen. I'm going to drive the two of you home." I pointed at Angelo and Marco. "And you," I pointed to Luca. "Are going to clean all of this shit up and go to bed?"

"Yes, ma'am." Luca fake saluted me.

"Whatever you want, Char." Marco frowned. "We're sorry."

"Yeah, you're damn right you are. You guys are worse than children." I rolled my eyes, grabbing my car keys. There was no way I was letting these lunatics drive home, no matter how close they lived, and I was sure they hadn't let Hailey or Julia know what was going on.

By the time I got home, Luca had the kitchen cleaned and was sound asleep in our bed. I couldn't help but smile at how cute he was, even if I was angry. It was about the only time he wasn't restless right now.

Going underground hadn't done much too slow the investigation against him. All it had done was make Luca and Angelo and Marco extremely bored and that was never a good thing. Hence the situation tonight. And last week when I came home to them remodeling our back yard. Or the week before when all three of them were shooting off fireworks from the dock at Angelo and Julia's house. Or even yesterday when Luca came home with a new speedboat that was bigger than my first apartment. It was like they literally didn't know what to do with themselves and while I could sympathize with that to a point; it was getting to be extreme.

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