Chapter 54

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Calye slipped away from her group in search of Sae and the others. This might have been a relocation, but it's layout was similar to the previous location's so she knew she would find them soon.

"Calye, isn't it?" Zeif asked her.

He had been waiting for her.

"A girl named Sae told me about you. Do you know her?" Zeif asked her.

Calye kept quiet but she was brimming with angry anxiety.

"I can lead you to her," Zeif offered. "She's still alive and I can take you to her."

Zeif gestured towards the dark corridor.

Calye agreed by following him.


Zeif scanned Calye for any signs of pregnancy but he was disappointed when he didn't find any.

"How have you been in the interim?" Zeif asked.

Calye didn't answer him. She knew he wanted to know if she had been impregnated but she wouldn't divulge any information.

"Well, we're already here!" Zeif said enthusiastically as he opened a thick metal door.

Inside, Calye saw Sae and the others huddled together. And Zeif took that opportunity to push Calye inside.

"Finally reunited!" Zeif exclaimed jovially before he closed the door shut behind them. She hadn't gotten pregnant... yet. He didn't have much time so one more girl was critical in increasing his chances.

"I'll come back with a gift for your return," Zeif said soothily.

He would bring a different being this time.

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