Chapter 63

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They kept Eseul in the dungeons, and only fed her enough so that she wouldn't die of starvation. By this time, Eseul felt as if her stomach stuck to her spine.

Ryeon visited her frequently as if his company could somehow incline her to him.

"Why have you come again?" Eseul barely managed.

"It's lonely. Your fiance hasn't come for you yet... but I reckon, hope that he will come soon. For your sake," Ryeon answered.

"You! You're the one who deceived me," Eseul said defeated because she knew she was the one at fault for this predicament.

"You'll thank me," Ryeon inserted. "I brought you here so I could speed your reunion with him."

His insolence! Eseul calmed herself down.

There must be a way to get through to Ryeon and have him release her. She hoped against hope that he would have pity on her and turn a blind eye when she tried to escape.

"How'd you come to work for Rogel?" Eseul shifted gears.

Ryeon saw right through her and deflected her question.

"My life story isn't important."

"I want to know," Eseul pressed. She didn't have much energy but she had to persist. "It'll help me keep sane."

Ryeon had never cared to tell his story, but what was that faint echo that rang in the depth of his soul that welcomed her interest in his life?

"Please... if you have any pity, please... let me go," Eseul said weakly.

Eseul heard footsteps. Ryeon was coming closer to her dungeon. Was he going to let her go?

When Ryeon began to open the dungeon door, Eseul's face lifted in hope.

Eseul cautiously stood up but her knees buckled underneath her.

Ryeon came into the enclosure and lifted her up with strong and sturdy arms. Eseul didn't realize how much she missed human warmth, even though she wasn't particularly fond of it before.

Ryeon led her out of the dungeon but instead of bringing her out of the compounds, he led her into another building.

"Where are you taking me?" Eseul asked him.

Ryeon didn't answer and so fear coiled around her.

She tried to throw off his grasp on her but she was too weak.

"No, please....let me go... just this once.... please," Eseul pleaded to no avail.

Rogel had decided to put Eseul to better use; rather than Calye being the only one being bred with the Elemental beings, why not try with Eseul?

Rogel had ordered Ryeon to have Eseul bred with one of the darkness beings. As Eseul was still very weak, Ryeon was to keep watch over her so as to prevent the beings from 'accidentally' killing her.

Honestly, Ryeon was worried for Eseul, but orders were orders. He was Rogel's servant and his duty was to obey him, his own emotions aside. No, even his emotions were subservient to Rogel.

"Where are you taking me?" Eseul asked him again, her voice trembling.

Ryeon's grip which previously felt sturdy and warm now felt steely and cold.


Eseul could hear Calye's screams and groans and resistance.

Eseul began to push against Ryeon with what little strength she had but she was no match for him.

Ryeon quickly opened the door to a room and pushed her ever so slightly but she tripped and fell onto the sterile room.

Just as soon as she was inside, transparent glass walls rose from the ground and blocked off the door. On the other side, Ryeon was watching.

Eseul begged with her eyes but his eyes did not waver.

Eseul heard one of the walls slide open and presented a tall and slender case. When that opened, a dark and formless figure slithered out of it, and Eseul recognized it for what it was.

She had encountered it's kind in the past.

She braced herself for what she knew would happen.

It's presence filled every crevice and space until it pushed against her own body, suffocating her.

And then something happened that she never hoped would happen. Her scream caught in her throat so all she could do was close her eyes, enveloped in darkness and seeing only darkness.

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