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so last chapter i asked about adding a little lion for the reader and i've decided to do it! of course, it's not actually lion. for names, i'm stuck between simba (brings back childhood memories) and hopper (i'm thinking with this name i could give him a playful, bouncy sort of personality)!

also, school has been stressing me out lately. a lot of things have, actually. i'm on and off about keeping the updating schedule for this book consistent and i fail so i apologize for that! i promise when summer comes around i'll focus more on this book: even more updates. i'll also bring back my su oneshot book for those wanting to request ahead of time so i can work on them soon!

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"it's time."

those words sent shivers down my spine. i pushed past them, giving the yellow hued pearl a firm nod of understanding. she stepped back out the room, i'm assuming to give me a few moments to grab my things.

i gave one last look out the window, wondering what happened to the little feline before i pushed myself away from the edge. i stood, brushing myself down and looking in my mirror. these familiar clothing of light pink; a light pink suit of sorts, it wasn't formal looking but it was good enough to be presentable.

my hair was done in a way to where any loose strands wouldn't find themselves in my face. i'm surprised it kept all morning. i quickly rushed to my closet and began digging around, looking for that long lost bag i used so much during the old days with pink.

finally, i found it and pulled it from underneath boxes upon boxes. god, this closest sure was big.. "alright! cheer up me, you got this!" i pushed myself to stand straight and put on a smile, but yelled loudly and slumped at the knocking at my door.

"coming!" i was mentally scolding myself for even trying, taking the little satchel like bag and placing it underneath my arm. i held onto it tightly, giving myself one last look in the mirror before moving to my door. it swished opened, and yellow pearl stood there as straight and all as ever. "are you ready?"

i nodded hesitantly, of course not feeling ready to do this. she looked as if she understood, but she stayed like that and started walking as i trailed closely behind. i would stare straight ahead, ignoring the looks on passing gems faces at the sight of me.

it's been a couple of hundred of years since i've done this. of course, i'm afraid i'll be rusty and have the consequences be bigger than needed. i somehow managed to keep myself under control, not letting the rushing thoughts effect the way i looked overall. it'll be fine.

it'll turn out okay. "almost there, i'm sure you know the rest of the way on your own?" yellow pearl questioned as she stopped at an intersection of halls and looked at me. i nodded frantically, too much for my liking, and she gave me a firm nod in return. "alright. i'll leave it to you from here."

"wait! what about having a pearl stay outside the room while we do the session?" i questioned, remembering what the diamonds said. she gave me a sympathetic look, putting down her tough facade for a moment.

"steven requested privately that a pearl would not be there on the side. he stated he wouldn't allow it himself, and if a pearl was there he would crack her to pieces." my eyes widened, my hand clenching at the words. almost immediately, she went back to being serious and turned her back to me.

"he only wants the two of you around and in the room. i apologize you're just now hearing of this. you know the emergency escape if you need it." and with that, she started walking once again, leaving me alone to watch her disappear down the hall.

i stood silently for a moment before taking a deep breath and continuing down the left hallway. it seemed darker than usual, but no one really used this hallway since i've stopped working around here. maybe a few jaspers come down here, a ruby and sapphire here and there, but that's all i saw.

i had this eerie feeling in the pit of my stomach, and i held my hand over my mouth to hold my nervous giggles. it only happens when i feel really worried about a situation, and i usually try to hide it as the few times it slipped i got in trouble for thinking the moment was funny.

"i hope i'm not late.." i muttered to myself, knowing somewhere around one of these next few corners a clock stood tall against the wall. but, luck happened to not be on my side today, and as i came across it i saw i was 10 minutes behind the schedule. "gah! honestly, i couldn't be any slower!" i scolded myself, now running to the door that stood at the end of the hall.

a single beam of light shone in it, making its presence clear. my hand reached up and touched the familiar pink wood, the engraving in it familiar as my fingertips trailed over it. memories came flooding back, and i found myself paralyzed as i bathed in them.

i felt warmth flow through me, and i pushed opened the doors with a loud creak following. my eyes had to adjust to the light that blinded me, i had forgotten that multiple windows allowed in natural lighting. at this time of day, it would be blinding.

my legs wobbled as i walked in, awaiting some sort of screams and harsh words but they never came. the doors closed behind me with a bang, and i decided to quickly sit and set up at the small couch that was deemed my own. i placed my bag down on the little table that sat between my own couch and the bigger one that was meant for the other.

yet, speaking of steven, it seemed he wasn't here yet. i sighed, letting my head fall down as i felt myself grow ashamed for believing that he would actually come. though, if it wasn't for him coming along, i don't think i would've found myself back here.

i stood, leaving my bag on the table as i went to the stands in the corner of the room. multiple little picture frames sat, protecting the paper photos inside. most of them held pink and myself, others held the both of us as individuals. i picked one up, the one that brought the fondest memory of me and her.

i couldn't bask in the thought for long as a loud slam echoed through the room. "you're late." he spoke. i placed the photo down and turned around, eyes widened for a split second before i started walking over. "as are you." i replied.

he glared at me, a disapproving frown on his face as he walked to meet me halfway. his hand brought my chin up, and my eyes stared back into his own. "you have no right to say if i'm late or not. you're below me, don't forget that." he harshly let my chin go and flopped onto the couch, looking bored as ever. "now hurry up, i want to get this over with quickly."

lemons.〘 𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐊! 𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍 𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 〙Where stories live. Discover now