Chapter 4

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"Our mother died in childbirth," Adriel explained, "giving birth to Alanik. Things got hard for dad, and he left when I was six. Morrean was maybe seventeen? She was about to begin her internship with engineering, and she took on two other night jobs to keep me in school, but it was close. Even with the money dad left. She blames herself for being a burden on dad, forcing him to leave."

I shook my head, trying to empathize. It was hard.

Wind blew across the river next to us, coating me and Adriel in fine mist. We were on the launch pad under the house where Morrean still typed furiously on her monitors and made radio calls.

She finally came out now,  signaling overhead as a superiority ship touched down in front of us. An unfamiliar Urdale climbed out of the cockpit and nodded to Morrean. 

Adriel stood and offered a hand to me. "We tried to steal a hyperdrive once," he said. "We can use your slug with this ship to get you home."

I took his hand. "Already?"

Morrean nodded. "We have much to do. This is an easy task to check off the list. Go ahead. The hyperdrive box is next to the control sphere."

"Thank you for everything," I said, meeting their eyes one by one. "When I get back I'll message you on Alanik's status."

Adriel nodded. "Thank you."

I nodded, then turned and climbed up into the ship.

M-Bot on my left, Doomslug in the box on my right, I slowly lifted into the air and engaged the hyperdrive.

Sorry for the short chapter ly guys STAY SAFE PLS.

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