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Harry returned home after his quick stop from work feeling quite ecstatic. After he texted Niall, he received a message back a few minutes later. Harry didn't bother explaining that it was him when he first texted since he figured Niall wouldn't be stumped as to who it was. He was correct when he replied that Saturday would most definitely work. They later decided on the time and chose five o'clock.

They messaged back and forth for a while and Harry made sure to send his address. Their conversation remained short and simple since they didn't have much to talk about over text. Both of them figured it was best to save that for their long awaited dinner.

Once Harry truly processed what it meant now that Niall had finally agreed to dinner, he realized he actually had to plan the date out. For quite some time, this date was purely just a concept he dreamt would eventually come true. Now that it's about to, Harry proceeded to freak out for half an hour as he tried to determine what he would cook as their dinner. All this talk and yet he never actually pictured what he would make for the two of them.

Eventually he came to the conclusion that he would prepare them steak, asparagus, and roasted potatoes along with a few beers. It was a tough decision considering he hardly knows anything about Niall's interests, but Harry also wanted to keep it as a surprise. Considering Harry was not prepared for this day to arrive so soon, he did not have the proper ingredients for this meal.

Unfortunately this meant he had to run to the store and normally that would be a very ideal situation, but not when Niall can't know. He could risk going in and choosing a different cashier, however Harry deemed that unfair. How could he possibly go into that Tesco and not see Niall? Ultimately, he decides driving a few more miles out to a different grocery store to prevent running into the lad would be for the best.

Along with cooking, Harry also has to clean his apartment. He usually tends to keep it regularly tidy, but he feels like it needs a good, deep clean.  Through his giddiness, Harry also felt anxious for the evening to arrive. He still had two days so in between his shifts at work, he would clean like he never had before and get the necessary ingredients. Now he understands why his mum would always freak out when she invited guests over and acted so neurotic as she scrubbed the floors intensely.

On Friday evening, Harry sped home after he got off work. He felt and also externally portrayed a rushed demeanor. So much so, that Liam was afraid he'd burst a blood vessel as he waited eagerly to get off. Liam understood the situation, so he tried his best to calm him down, but unfortunately nothing would lessen his nerves until he finished setting everything up. There was so much that was leading up to this evening and he just wanted everything to be perfect.

Once home, he changed into some activewear and began his long cleaning journey. Not everything on the list of what he wanted to accomplish could be deemed completely necessary. Half of the tasks were simply because Harry had postponed them for quite some time and figured he might as well get them done. He turned on his indie folk playlist and first started on cleaning the living room. Harry vacuumed the floor, wiped down the coffee table and side tables, and dusted any shelves. While in the middle of dusting his ceiling fan blades, his music was interrupted shortly with a text notification.

Harry stepped down from the chair he was standing on and retrieved his phone. He smiled gleefully as he read a text from Niall saying that he was excited for tomorrow. Excited was an understatement for Harry. Hell, if he wasn't more than excited, he wouldn't be deep cleaning his whole house for Niall purely because he wanted to make a good impression. Harry replied back that he was too and jokingly said to arrive at five o'clock sharp.

It wasn't until midnight that Harry was finally satisfied with the state of his apartment. He ended up cleaning every room until he felt like every inch was up to his standards.

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