Chapter 2: Meeting

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Previously-"It looks like we have another new student today WHO IS LATE." She said and he came to the back of the class and sat next to me.

Tatias POV: "hi I'm Tatia but my friends call me Tati." I whispered to him but he didn't say anything.... I guess he didn't want to get in trouble.

After a while the bell rang. "Time to get to the next class." I said looking over next to me but the boy wasn't there. Huh I guess he left before I noticed.

After a few classes I went to lunch. I got a tray and sat at a table when some girl came and sat next to me. "Hi I'm lacy, I hope you don't mind me sitting here." She said smiling at me. "No, not at all. I'm new here so I could use some friends." I said holding my hand out for her to shake it. "Hi I'm Tatia. You can call me Tati though." I said to her.

"Have you seen the new boy?" I asked her while she was eating. "Nope I didn't know there was a new boy. I'm on the student council and I'm notified when there's a new student and so far you're the only new one this year. I could be mistaken though." She said mostly confused so I just continued to eat my food.

Another girl walked over to the table. "Lacy we have a new guy and he is hot." The girl said sitting down with us. "Oh sorry, I'm Gwen." She said to me. "Hey." I said to her. "We're having a first day back party tonight you should come." Gwen said handing me a flyer with the information on it.  Then they both left the table.

After school was over I was walking home when I saw someone in the cemetery pacing back and forth. "Hello!" I yelled walking towards the cemetery. I opened the gate to the cemetery and walked in when I felt a cold hand touch my shoulder. Then it started to rain.

"Run!" I heard a voice say. Then lightning struck in front of me. I turned around to run and when I ran towards the street a car came speeding towards me. My life flashed before my eyes when someone pushed me to the other side of the road.

I was laying there for a while when someone helped me up. "Sorry about that. I'm Jaden." He said helping me up. "Sorry? You just saved my life!" I said hugging him. "Maybe we should get out of the road." He said leading me to the sidewalk.

He was so cute and his hair was all wet from the rain. "Here take my jacket." He said as he came behind me and put the jacket over me. When I turned around to thank him he wasn't there anymore so I just walked home. I guess I'll just give him his jacket back tomorrow.

To be continued......

The Son Of Hades // Jaden Hossler (FF)Where stories live. Discover now