Chapter 6: Afraid?

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Previously- I was walking through the large crowd in the hallway. When I accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh sorry." I said then I turned around and saw Jaden......Then I realized. "You! It was you!"

Tatia's POV: "I'm sorry but I don't know what you mean." He said turning around about to walk away from me but I grabbed his arm. He felt so cold and all I saw was darkness when I touched him but for some reason I craved him. Then he quickly pulled away. Everyone was looking at us. "I don't have time for this." He said looking at me then he walked out of school.

I followed him outside. "You've been in my dreams." I told him trying to keep up. "Nice to know you've been dreaming of me." He said still walking. He was walking towards the woods and wouldn't look back at me. I just continued to follow him. "No there not like dreams.....they're more like nightmares."

When I said that he stopped but by this time we were already in the woods, trees and foreign sounds surrounding us. Something told me that I shouldn't be following him but it was like I was compelled and didn't know fully what I was doing. For a while he didn't say anything. Then he finally turned to look at me. I looked into his piercing beautiful eyes but his eyes were also dark and empty almost lifeless. "Tatia, are you afraid of me?"

He started walking closer towards me backing me up into a tree. "Should I be scared?" I asked even though I was trembling with fear. "I asked you first." He smiled then continued speaking. "Are you afraid of me?" He asked. His voice sounding harsh like he was demanding an answer. Now he was closer to me more then ever his lips were almost touching mine.

"I'm a little scared." I said quietly but we were so close that I knew he had heard me. He slowly backed a few steps away from me. I closed my eyes for a few seconds

I was running through the woods. "I will protect you. You are always safe with me." I heard a voice behind me say. "Just please stop running." The voice said so I stooped. When I turned around I saw Jaden. "I would never harm you." He said then he hugged me and I

Then I opened my eyes "How did you do that? It was like I was dreaming." I told him. "I'm special." He said smirking. "What do you mean?" I asked him. I was so confused but I was also intrigued. "I can get into peoples minds. I can make them see what I want them to see and believe what I want them to believe." He said.

Then I heard something moving around us and I got scared again. "Can we get out of here and talk at my house?" I asked him. "Yeah sure." He said. We walked through a short cut in the woods to my house. My dad and sister weren't at home yet.

We walked in and went into my room. I made sure to close my door cause I wasn't sure when anyone would be coming back. "Ok so why give me nightmares?" I asked him sitting down on the bed. "Well I can't always fully control what you see. Sometimes you see something your conches wants you to know." He told me sitting next to me. "So why mess with my mind in the first place?" I asked him. "Like I said sometimes I can't fully control it and it just goes off on its own. If I make you see something I can see it to. That's how I knew you before I met you. It's kinda difficult to explain." He said and I didn't say anything back. I was trying to piece together everything he was telling me.

"I think you're extremely pretty." He said moving closer to me. I started to blush a little and I know he saw me cause he smiled at me. We just looked at each other for a while then he rapped his arm around me and leaned in and he kissed me.

To be continued......

The Son Of Hades // Jaden Hossler (FF)Where stories live. Discover now