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okay, so maybe telling their seokjin hyung in the library was a bad idea.

"what the fuck !?" taehyung shuts his eyes sinking so low on his chair trying his best hiding behind his upside down book he just grabbed from one of the shelves, wishing that the old and strict librarian in front won't see him but who is he kidding, their the only ones inside the library right now, of course the old woman would only look at them.

"jin hyung mrs.lee will kick us out !" jimin whisper shouted tugging on their hyung's sleeves his chinky eyes now in an adorable glare.

" I don't fucking care ! and you guys kept this from me for weeks ? " jin is fuming mad, his neck up to the tips of his ears are now red in anger, taehyung bit his lip in silence, sitting beside his two hyungs. he's really a disappointment, just what his parents said. he's a disgrace to the kim household, maybe that's why his parents favor his twin sister more, visits her more and always attends on her presentation in school even before, until now.

and here he is, taking up a course he doesn't even like just so that his parents will at least praise him for taking up business because that's what they are,the kims are famous business tycoons all throughout asia .

the two bickering boys stopped when they heard their friend crying, sniffing trying his best not to be noisy. his heart hurts, it's like it's being crushed to pieces at the thought of his own family ostracizing him from their life.

"shh ... it's okay tae, we're here for you." jin engulfed him in a hug, jimin doing the same. at Least his jin hyung,his cousin, is here he's family and he wont leave him, and Jimin's here too.

"my parents will disown me h-hyung... I'm a disgrace " the young male choked out a sob.

" but we're here tae, we'll never leave or push you out. as i said, we'll raise the baby if your parents will kick you out right ?" jimin said softly , comforting him.

he's so thankful he have them as Friends, he'll never leave them.


it's been three days after that crying session in the library and taehyung is now gathering up courage to call his parents and tell them. jimin is now staying with him to keep him company and make sure he's okay. jin often visits to cook him nutritious meals ,when he is not busy with his finals and when he's not managing his cafe. jin owns a few coffee shops , as expected from a  kim , his business is doing great even if he's still in college.

" chim..." the pregnant male drawls lips in a slight pout. they're now lounging on taehyung's small living room that's also connected to his small kitchen. he came from a wealthy family, but they never really give him big amounts of money, just for his tuition and enough money for allowance and a crammed up place owned by his uncle. the said uncle now in Australia doing well with his hotel chains that he never really bothered about his few small condos here in Seoul.

the two best friends are watching something in their flat screen TV , they are lying well, cuddling each other on taehyung's sofabed comfortably buried in tae's soft silky sheets.

" yes taebear ?" jimin hums, eyes still on the screen.

" i want ice cream."

"I'll go and buy at the nearby convenience store." the other chuckles slowly getting out undercover.

"wanna go with you."

"no, it's cold outside. stay here where it's warm." the older ruffles his black locks in a cheeky smile, tae nods in defeat.

"i want strawberry flavored a-and taro and cheese too... and can you also buy me banana milk ?"

"that's all ?" jimin smiles head in a slight tilt.

"yes. come back quickly!"

" i will." the elder took his coat from the coat hanger and after putting on his shoes, he left. leaving the pregnant male alone , the sound of the tv is the only noise inside his small house.


jimin hums his favorite song from his favorite artist as he walks down the road, his hands inside his furry coat. his nose is a little red from the cold, but he's out to buy ice cream. he imagines himself if he ever gets pregnant, since he's also a carrier , will he have cravings like tae ? or gets all needy and whinny like tae ? he's already needy as he is now, how much more if he ever gets pregnant.

he shakes his head giggling to himself a little as he opens the glass doors of the store, the bell rang and he went straight to the beverage section to get some banana milk. he was still humming when he saw a pretty familiar silver head standing with ihs back on him, he's also picking up gallons of milk, banana milk to be exact.

there is a slight anger in his system, when he remembers that this guy is friends with the bastard who knocked up his best friend.he walks to the banana milk station stomping his feet and grabbing two gallons of the milk, in his pe​riph​er​al view he saw the other snaps his head to his side. jimin curses himself internally because he forgot how hot and attractive this man is, with his tattoos kissing his body up to his neck, and his cat like eyes that seemed to eat him whole that one meeting they had back at the tattoo parlor.

the guy still looked hot and unbothered as ever, but it doesn't mean he hated him any less.

"fucking bastards." he grumbles lowly and starts to walk to the ice cream station, when a raspy and very sexy voice growls behind him.

"excuse me ? " there is a hint of devilment in his low voice.

causing the young male to froze on his feet and maybe a little nervous, the guy doesn't look friendly at all. so there is no way this jerk will call him out to befriend him.

" did you say something to me ?" the guy asked again voice a little higher this time.

slowly , jimin turn around faking innocence, which he's definitely good at, and his trick works Everytime. he's cute and adorable, no one can resist.

"a-are you talking t-to me ?" the young male blinks up at the Tattooed male.

" there's no one else beside you here in this isle."
jimin gulps down a lump from his throat, feeling his mouth dry.

the male's cat like eyes are doing it again, drowning him eating him whole. he looked so fucking good with his silver hair a mess, his dior jacket , ripped black jeans and his timberlands. he's a whole snack.

" ahm...ehem..what can I do for you ?" he croaks, feeling all of his anger go and is now replaced with nervousness and maybe a little las​civ​i​ous , damn.

the man stared at him for a few seconds, looking him up and down, well checking him out. Jimin's cheeks flushed red in embarrassment and maybe consciousness.

" nothing. "

jimin gulps another lump, nodding rather anxiously and without another word, left immediately.

jimin came pack sweaty and panting, and taehyung looked at him confused.

"Jiminnie it's freezing outside, why are you sweating and panting ?" the pregnant male took the plastic of ice cream and banana milk from his grasp.

" i ran...damn." the other answers still chasing his breath. Taehyung chuckles and happily pulls out his i e cream grabbed two spoons from his kitchen and the two situated themselves in taehyung's coffee table.

" let's eat before it melts." tae grins and jimin nods, his coat is now on the coat hanger. the two already ate half of the tub of the ice cream when jin came barging in with hot pizza.

" who wants some more carbs in their system  !?" grins the eldest.

"me !" the two younger males said in unison hands, spoons rather up in the air.


that's Chapter 2.
thanks for reading...

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