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" we lost a total of two million worth of guns and whites . "

pipes up the brunette with a rather smiling face and a sunny aura , in contrast to what they should actually feel about losing that huge amount.

" Hoseok..." another male with menacing cat like eyes spoke, voice harsh and deep.

" you ordered whites and shipped it along with the guns ?!"

" sure did ." the guy, Hoseok, nods still smiling.

"you're an idiot." the other guy grumbles in disbelief.

"come on Yoongi, It's not a big deal besides... I already got the names." Hoseok grins , slamming a brown envelope into the table and his grin widens when it earned the attention of the other people inside their conference room.

" the mofo twins ? god these mother fuckers are getting on my nerves." yoongi tongues the inside of his cheeks.

a Tattooed hand lifts up the pictures that have scattered on the table , an eyebrow irked studying the faces of the two males who dared to steal their shit.

" I'll handle them." all eyes are now on the male, the males face hidden by his silky hair.

"I'll come with you kooks, I'm a little bored. let's just close the shop for a day." a tall male voiced a dimple pops up as he showed an excited grin.

" and I'll go sleep. cut those motherfuckers' tongues out for me Namjoon." yoongi stands up, and left the room the door slamming.

" sure. " the tall male nods.

Jungkook just slams down the pictures back on the table , raking his hair back with his hand glancing at his Namjoon hyung.

" and I'll go and track down your baby boy...i guess." hoseok winks at the youngest. Namjoon chuckles at the slight groan Jungkook let out before dragging him outside the door. hearing hoseok shouts a short ' enjoy ' .

" so you're looking for that cute boy that visited the  shop for an interview ?" namjoon questions as they enter another room with guns and other weapons hanged on walls and placed on shelves.

the younger ignored him, Jungkook pulled out a golden dagger with their mafia name curved perfectly on the blade.

"well, he's definitely beautiful and breath taking...but I didn't know you're into older guys Kooks."

"hyung you're being nosy "

" I'm just glad , how long has it been since you got laid ?  he's definitely worth it I guess? damn you got taste"

the younger shakes his head in disbelief, Jungkook stops preparing his things and stared at his hyung.

namjoon looked antsy and he seems to want to say something ,but he looks like he's stopping himself.

"Namjoon Hyung, do you want to say something ? look if you like him you can just say it. "

everyone knows how Jungkook gets so possessive over the things he likes and people he likes. but they also knows how Jungkook would give them up just for them.

and namjoon can't let that happen, he finally found someone entertaining enough that he wants to look for them. and namjoon is willing to give way, even though he really like that dimpled male with corny dad jokes.

namjoon sighs.

" i actually know where to find him kooks. i did a little search about him, he's a Kim and he's now on his last year in college. he owns a couple of coffee shops, his name is Kim Seokjin." he finishes slightly panting. jungkook's gaze is still on him . then Jungkook chuckles.

" what ? i just gave you a very important information ! "

" hyung, I'm looking for the younger Kim. you can have the older Kim, he's too corny for me." the younger cocked a brow a teasing glint on his doe eyes.

" o-okay... I'm-- I'm good with that." namjoon smiles shyly, ears pink now.

" let's go beat some mofos then "


Taehyung spent his week going to school, sleeping ,eating and building courage to call his parents and tell them about his impasse .

and to say he's nervous is an understatement, he can only imagine their faces and tone of voice. they'll be very disappointed and will probably disown him.

Taehyung hated feeling this way , he can't function properly with that thought in mind, it's giving him anxiety and headache. which is definitely not good for the baby. currently lounging on his couch watching cartoons, his eyes dropped down to his unused phone on his coffee table.

the male nibbles on his lips, contemplating. if he do it now then he can maybe finally breath , but he's not really sure what will happen. he also  promised to tell his hyungs once he decided to call his parents. they want to be with him for moral support.

but he needs to take it off his chest, so without more thought the pregnant male grabbed his phone and dialed his mom's number.

within two rings she picked up.

" yes Taehyung ?" her voice pierced through , Taehyung can feel his body going cold. he didn't even have a sentence composed. he didn't even expect that she'll pick right away.

" what is it boy ? I don't have all day for this." now she sounds annoyed and pissed. a tear rolled down his peach cheeks.

wow, it's almost a year since they last saw each other. they never called or even bothered to text him. and now that he called, she sounded pissed. it's like he's not her son.

Taehyung wiped his tears with his shaking hands, he let out a breath

" mother, i have something to say " he croaks, shutting his eyes

"then say it, you're wasting my precious time ! "

the male sniffs, and grits his teeth, jaw clenching. he huffs, okay so what ? he doesn't care anymore. his family probably forgot they even have a son .

" i just wanted to tell you that I'm pregnant. and i am keeping the baby, I don't care if you'll disown me. I'll gladly leave , you never let me experience a love from a mother, or even as a parent anyway. so to save your time, I'll leave willingly. "

he waited for a reply, he harshly wipes the tears that rolled down his cheeks again. the line went silent for a few seconds maybe a minute then he heard her gasp from the other line.

" WHAT ?! You imbecile! how could you do this to us ? you're a disgrace to this family Kim Taehyung ! who's the father ? is he some sloven bastard who doesn't even have any--" Taehyung didn't let her finish.

" I'll spare you the effort of kicking me out, as I said I'll gladly leave. i was never really part of the family right ? are you even a mother ? " Taehyung laughed humorlessly.

" and it's now none of your business who ever the fuck the father is. I'm now just a stranger to you, I'm not your son anymore. tell Tae Hee Congratulations on her successful event. goodbye Mrs. Kim !"

he dropped the call and he choked out a sob, letting himself sink deeper on his couch.

what did he do to deserve all this ? he only wants to be loved, is it that too much to ask ?

ahhh-- hi ?
I'm from cebu, hby ?

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