ocarina -2-

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Its been years since you've seen the blonde man Dio. The bounty is still high, but no one takes the job because of how hard it is. Even for the tuffest guilds, and even the council...you were outside watching giorno play with holly. He's 6 now, you've been homeschooling him but erina suggested that he go to school. All because you needed to focus on work and a social life because of your youth.

"Y/n your basically a young mom! You nees to live! Your in your prime!!" Erina said dramaticlly. You rolled your eyes, holly nodded holding giorno. "Yeah I agree with erina y/n, giorno would take up alot of time... I'd be more than happy to baby sit!" Holly said with stars in her eyes, you couldn't say no to holly. "Alright. Alright..." You looked back to erina, her blue green maid outfit shining. "I suggest you enroll him into school, or else hell be a hermit." She said rolling her eyes, you glared. "Love you too erina. And I'll consider it when he's of age."

You hated school, thats why you went to at home studies. Kids are cruel, and you wanted the best for giorno. You stirred the stew and made thd three of you stew. You were off work because the king said you had to become, what If giorno is a threat. You couldn't talk back without punishments, so you went with it. But you've been taking well care of the boy, from teaching him basics, Even some fighting skills. And whatever erina and holly have been teaching him, because he can grow plants now.

"Giorno hun, I have a question I need you to answer." You asked looking down at the boy sweetly. He looked up at you with his bright blue-green eyes. "Would you like to attend a school?" You asked. He looked to be in thought, you chuckled. 'Such a smart boy.'
"Giorno you don't have to decide-" he cut you off, "no no! I wanna go!" He said happily. You smiled, ruffling his hair, "Good now go eat before I eat your food for you." You said darkly, he nodded running off into the house. You see holly enjoying the relaxing heat of the sun. "Well what school shall I enroll him in?" You asked her, she peeked her eyes open. "Well I went to---" she began to describe the school. It was a fancy one, at least higher middle class can enroll too. You smiled. "Alright I'll see what I can do. Also stews ready."

You shut giornos door, the house was deadly silent. Erina left a few hours ago, you walked to the basement. The wood beneath you squeaked, lighting a candle, you walked to the book shelves. You had dios stuff down here before any of those council members get their greedy hands on it. He was a smart man. Even though he was too cocky, you knew his intentions... Not the best, but you felt as if he got his way. To be out of the jury, out of this society. After all.... He is a vampire.
You read through the text, studying magic. You needed too, for giorno. You needed to know his moms information... She was sketchy. Dio only brought her up very few times, always made you mad for one reason or another. She looked like every man had taken a bite of her. She showed off everything. Her chest, a really high skirt, THE ANKLES! You rolled your eyes in annoyance. Plus when you met that woman, it was.... Special.

You sat in the training room... Diavolo and you finally finished the work out. You wiped the blood from your face. You herd the doors open. Dio walked in, you huffed, "y/n! God your a woman so hard to find!" He said sarcastically. You rolled your eyes, "uh huh Mr.playboy." you said noticing the girl clung to dios arms. 'Such... Cleavage..' You didn't like showing your skin off, it felt wrong, plus your armor was bad ass.
He noticed your glance moving to the girl. Her black hair reaching to her mid back, those green eyes shining. But she was off, you knew It. her tanned complexion made dios pale one sparkle.
"y/n this is Avril, avril this is my partner y/n." He said looking down at the girl, she didn't say anything but glare at you, which you gladly did back. You sighed. "So she's your girlfriend or something?" You asked moving your annoyed gaze to Dio. He smirked. "Shes my fiance, so rude y/n." He said with a cocky tone, the woman smirked selfishly. "ah I see. Well I'm happy for you... I guess." You mumbled. You were annoyed. "Well go show her to the rest of us asshat, I got more training to do." You said slowly, feeling icy at every word. He raised a brow at you, you did a 'shoo shoo' hand motion. He sighed and left, that girl smiled back at you. 'Fake..I swear watch hell get his heart broken.' You turend back to the training dummies and sighed. You felt so angry... Why? God that woman.... Shes so suspicious!

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