blood bath -6-

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You sat in a room, with kars and the man, kira. You hid your hands with bear paws.
The room was Asian esk. You sat infront of the two.
"So you tell me he was apart of that stupid jury?" Kars asked, you nodded, "and so was i. He was sentenced death after suspicious acts of magic. Since i was his most trusted. I was to handle all of his documents and even his own son who i raised." You said, you knew damn well that he wasn't dead. Or else many things would happen. His experiments that had his blood would disappear. Giorno would say something about it too.

"Son? His.." Kars looked deep in thought. "I thought the filthy man had up and died." Kira said with a salty voice. Kars looked at you with a straight face. He pulled out a empty scroll. "Kira. Do the thing your able to do." Kars said, kira nodded. His eyes closed. Grabbing a pen, his hands wrote.
After a while he finished. Kars looked over it.
"Your not lying. Hm..." He read more into it. His face smirking. "So you both were lovers?" He asked, you stopped drinking the tea you had. You felt your lips curve. "PFFTTT BUWHAHHAHA! THATS FUNNY!" You wheezed. The two looked at you, you collected yourself. "Oh... Shoot you were serious.... No we weren't." You could see kars look confused, kira looking over his shoulder. "It basically says he fancied her." Kira stated, kars oohed. You raised a brow at the idiots. "So. do you both know? Or is he actually.... Dead?" You asked, a serious facial expression plegued your face.

Kars gave you a hard stare. "I'm sure a woman like you couldnt find him. He was powerful after all." He stated. You sighed. "Well your both no help. I'll take my leave then." You stated. You slowly stood up, but you were held down by something... No someone.
You turned around to see two huge buff men in cloaks. "no no no no! This isnt how the deal works. We need something in return for you." Kira said with a smirk. Kars nodded. "Yes, and your just in perfect time for a mission no one dares touch." He handed you a old paper. you read through it. "No wonder... Because people cant breathe under fucking water." You stated with a blank face. The two glared at you. "Foul mouthed.. And yes obviously. But we can help you with that." Kars said with a annoyed tone. he grabbed your wrist. His finger nail cut into your arm. You hissed a bit. These words.. In latin.. "Now go. or else the deal is off and you'll be hanged, eaten, or even fed to the hounds if reject." Kars said with a evil smirk on his face. you nodded. "Believe me... Im taking this deal. His son is a crest and I can't control that." You stated. The two froze. "You said crest right?" Kira asked. You nodded. "Whatever. on to your mission." Kars moved his hands, signaling the men to pick you up, you glared at him. You were a person who didn't like people really touching you. There's a few expectations... Like giorno or... Nope. Thats all.
Kira hummed. A skeptical face crept onto him. He watched you walk out with the two gurards. 'A crest? In the human world that isn't outcasted...' his eyes squinted. "You must be thinking of what she said, yes?" Kars asked, looking out the imperial designed window. Kira nodded. "She said her son was a crest. And we both know crests are rare in the over world. for their reputation." Kira stated, his hands resting under his chin. Kars glaced to him, now also thinking about it.

"Well now.. That gives you something to do around here. If your curious go find this 'giorno' kid." Kars stated. Kira perked up at him. Kira smirked, a glow in his eyes. "Yes sir." He slowly stood up and walked out.


They threw you into a shitty looking room. The walls looked moldy and the bed was just a simple cot... But.. Looking to your left was a tray of wines and breads. You raised a brow, flopping down on the cot you sighed. Holding your head in your hands.
'I need to think rationally... how long ago.. They said 100 years but... That translates to 10 years ago? Right.. So hes definitely somewhere far if that's the case. Damn it!' You groaned. You decided to walk around. You might as well rest here for a while before leaving...


Jonathan sat at a bar, with the lord.
"Ah so your looking for a friend? Along with a outlaw... His name?" D'arby asked, Jonathan thought to himself for a bit. "The friend is y/n the 8th jury... And dio brando the 4th jury." Jonathan spoke while holding a glass of lemonade. D'arby froze. "I may have a idea.. Follow me." He said, Jonathan perked up, and being gullible, he followed. Meanwhile, jotaro had been out, just looking around when he saw that woman in the red cloak.

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