Chapter 13

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"I remember killing the yerik and then racing back home to beat you and then- then-... That bastard!" She growled loudly, her chest vibrating with the sound. "Let me down! I said let me down Tsu'tey! I'm going to kill him!"

He hushed her slightly, brushing her hair away from her face. "I know you do, so do I, but this isn't the time. We need to go talk to the Tsahík and she'll tell us what to do"

She glared up at him, silent anger shining in her eyes. "I don't want to go to the Tsahík, I want to kill Jake"

Awa pushed at his chest so he would let her down but he didn't budge, he continued holding her close and walking towards wherever they were going. Probably to see the Tsahík, she grumbled in her head.

"Awa..." He sighed and stopped for a second. His shoulders tensed slightly before they relaxed as he took a deep breath. "I know you're angry because he hurt you, but you and I both know that this isn't you, this rage isn't you and you will regret it later if you kill him. That isn't the right thing to do and you know it"

"I thought you hated him, why are you being so calm?!" She asked with a pout and a wild gesture to his neutral face. This wasn't like him, he's never been this indifferent when it came to a human before, not even her when they first met. He would have killed her if it wasn't for Ngeha stopping him.

"Don't get me wrong, Awa, I hate him as much if not more than you but this isn't the right way to do it. You've worked so hard for your position in this clan and you want to throw it away because of some idiotic human?" He started walking again, avoiding her questioning eyes. "As much as you hate to admit it you still care for your race, just a little bit, but it's that part that will prevent you from going through with it. This whole thing is making you not yourself. I love you but you're not thinking straight." Tsu'tey told her with a slight frown on his face, his eyes firmly pointed at the trees ahead of them. He would love to get rid of Jake as much as she did but he knew that that wasn't the right thing to do, and that Awa didn't truly hate the dreamwalker as much as she tried to convince herself.

"I'm not thinking straight?" She repeated with an offended look on her face as if the mere notion disgusted her. "He hurt me, I have all the rights to be mad about it, and hurt him in return. He hasn't even apologized yet, I could have died!"

"I know that" He mumbled to himself, thinking back to her lifeless body lying on the ground next to the massive animal. He shivered slightly at the thought of her not opening her eyes again but quickly shoved it down, this wasn't the time to think about the what ifs. She needed to calm down before she hurt herself or did something she would seriously regret, like attacking Jake or in her anger disrespecting someone in the clan. "You know that you're making me sound like the wise one, right? You think I want to be the one to tell you not to defend your honor or retaliate? He doesn't know our ways, and that makes it dishonourable to attack him, plus it could be an accident. And we don't kill people just because of accidents, if we did we would all be dead 100 times over"

"You know what I think, Tsu?" Awa asked her mate with a small grin, her anger slowly ebbing away and making her think straight again. "I think you're starting to like the guy"

He scoffed and gave her a ridiculous look. "You know I don't. I'm just looking out for you, if I was allowed to do it I would have beaten him to a pulp and sent him back to those bugs that he came from. But it is the wish of Eywa that he learn our ways and I respect Eywa, I don't respect him or his disrespect and ignorance. He still clings to everything that makes him human, I can feel that his reasoning behind this isn't what he says they are, he's a liar and all the others are too stupid to see it."

I see you, Tsu'teyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora