Chapter 25

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AN: I've published another Avatar fanfic named Effervescent and it's extremely different from this one so you should go check it out. If you haven't already, that is. Now enjoy the chapter! (Not saying it's a filler chapter but it's a filler chapter)

"Do you know what day it is?" Awa whispered in Tsu'tey's ear as they ate their breakfast together with the clan. She had decided not to braid her hair today and instead opted to let her hair fall in it's naturally curly state, flowing down her back like a dark waterfall. It was a special day afterall, and she felt like dolling herself up for the occasion. "Hmm?" She hummed and leaned back to her seat, grabbing one of the colorful fruits from one of the bowls before them.

The eating hall that they were in was grand and spacious, it had to be in order to house all of the clan members at the same time, plus any guests they may have. Right now they had one or two guests from the sea clan, Metkayina, that is lead by the honorable warrior Tonowari. They ride big sea animals known as ilu, she had never seen one before but she hoped that she one day would be able to. From the stories of the magnificent beasts she could only imagine how it must feel to ride one of them.

Lur'ja and Triya were the names of the visitors, a newly mated pair that wanted to explore the rest of Pandora. So far they had visited 3 of the known Na'vi clans including the Omaticaya. Awa hadn't had the chance to talk to them and she wouldn't be able to talk to them before they left, unfortunately they only spent a day or two with each clan before they moved on, and today were their last day, and if Awa's plans went the way she wanted to then she would sadly miss them.

"No, what?" He asked and popped a episoth seed in his mouth, savoring the taste of it. The already sweet seed tasted even sweeter because of the trouble he went through to get it. The Espoth trees were tall and the flowers on the trees exploded when they were ripe, he had been keeping a close eye on one of them and just yesterday he could collect the seeds he was now eating. A nice collection of them laid on the wooden plate in front of him and Awa to snack on as they felt like it. He feigned ignorance but the teasing look in his eyes betrayed his otherwise flawless facade.

Awa decided to play along his little game of charade with a small roll of her eyes and a flick of her finger on his ear. "Do you really not remember?"

He shook his head in response to her question and ducked his head when he felt a big grin grow on his lips. Tsu'tey glanced up at her from his ducked down position with mirth dancing in his eyes when he realised that she was playing along, the small ball of worry that had grown in his stomach disappeared. "Can't say I do" The Na'vi shot back and rubbed his chin in thought, he wondered how long he could do this before she forced him to confess. "You could always tell me what day it is"

"It's a special day" Awa offered with a faux glare in her eyes and then stole the episoth seed he held in his hand. It was his favorite snack and he could gobble down a bowl of them down faster than she could say 'hi'. Tsu'tey always remembered to share some of them by placing a few of them in a different bowl and placing it right in front of her, and while it wasn't her favorite snack she still enjoyed them and the action warmed her heart each time.

"Hmm, is it the anniversary of meeting Khan?" He asked after taking a handful of yovo fruits in a bowl on his right, Awa's favorite fruit. He plucked off the green top and bottom of it and offered half of them to Awa, who gingerly took the offered fruits and placed them on the plate in front of her that was full of other fruits and vegetables she had helped herself to. "No, that was a while ago. Is it the anniversary of becoming one of the people?" Tsu'tey tried again before eating one of the fruits in his palm and wiping off the juice from it on a small cloth on the ground.

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