Chapter 37

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Awa sighed and fell down on the ground, panting softly in unison with her mate. She tilted her head back before she grabbed Tsu'tey's arm and pulled him down on her, enjoying the warmth he provided as he wrapped himself protectively around her. The slow exhales brought a soft grey mist around them that later disappeared almost immedietaly after it formed. The trees swayed softly in the gentle, warm wind and the sound of rushing water filled their ears. The sun beamed down on them and animal sounds echoed in the green forest.

She leaned up and kissed him on the forehead, smoothing a hand down his hair before leaning back down again. Awa chuckled breathlessly and placed one of her hands on his shoulder and the other one she brushed into his sweaty hair.

"Are you happy?" Awa asked him, still chuckling softly as the thrill from before lingered in her tired body.

He grunted softly and pushed his face harder into her chest. "Yes." Tsu'tey answered, his words muffled but she could hear the tired tone to it. "I am a strong hunter, I honor my clan, I have a loving mate and soon enough I'll have children of my own to raise."

"But are you happy?" She asked again, her voice a bit harsher but still soft. "All of those things are great but are you truly happy?"

Tsu'tey lifted his face from her chest and placed a soft kiss on her lips. "Yes, Awa, I'm happy. With you I will always be happy, and together we will raise strong warriors and live good until we are reunited with Eywa." He stroked a hand down her smiling face before he leaned his forehead on hers. "Are you not happy?"

Awa scoffed. "Of course I am. I worked my ass off to be here, to be with you and the Na'vi. I love it here, I love you." Her eyes softened and her eyes closed. "I'm beyond happy."

"Then why do you ask." He asked her.

The woman sighed and caressed his shoulder. "You've seemed stressed lately and we've barely been able to talk with all that's been going on with Jake and the iknimaya." Awa responded sadly, almost whining as her ears flattened against her hair. "I just wanted to see how you were feeling."

"You do not need to worry about me. I am a strong hunter." His chest puffed with pride of his rank and a cocky smile grew on his face. " Soon JakeSully will not be a problem, he will not survive uniltaron."

"I wouldn't be so sure of that, Tsu. He's surprised us both so far. Maybe he's more like me than I first thought." She thoughtfully replied before flipping them over.

Awa relished the surprised gasp he let out as he was flipped over on his back and she quickly straddled him. "We are both two people that just love betraying our own race." She pressed a passionate kiss to his lips and pulled back a centimeter before she spoke again. "Defying all odds." Another kiss. " Earning our place in the enemy clan" A longer and deeper kiss. "And falling for a Na'vi."

She leaned up a bit, watching as he unconsciously reached after her. Awa laughed before pushing him back down on the ground with a firm hand to his chest, his waistguard hanging somewhere in the tree next to them and their covering discarded around them. "Do you remember when we first met?"

"Yes. You were extremly stupid." He told her, his eyes not meeting hers. " I hurt you that day. I would have killed you if Ngeha didn't stop me." Tsu'tey confessed with a slight, almost unnoticeable shake in his voice.

"And I've told you I forgive you a thousand times over. That's the past and I don't blame you for acting that way, I was still very much human and did a lot of things that you aren't supposed to do. Though you did behave like someone who had a stick up their a-" She started but he interrupted her by flipping them over again.

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