Chapter 18

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The journey back with Ngeha was spent in silence, Awa was lost in thought and Ngeha just didn't know what to tell the young woman in front of her. They had sneaked out of the healing hall and 'borrowed' a pa'li named Tri'ty from the clearing the animals grazed in. The animal had greeted them with a gentle neigh and a buck of the head.

"This is Tri'ty" Ngeha had whispered to her and reached up to touch the head of the horse-like creature. "She's my pa'li, the first ever animal I made tsaheylu with"

"Are you sure we're allowed to take her?" Awa had asked after marvelling at the beautiful animal before her, the strong tall body and the beautiful colors of blues and purples.

Ngeha had scoffed slightly at the question as if it was ridiculous to her. "Of course we can, it's my pa'li"

Awa didn't believe her, the slight raise in pitch at the end sounded suspicious to her but she didn't say anything and now here they were, on their way back to the place she sneaked out off. The human was hoping no one had noticed but she knew that wasn't possible, an employee didn't just disappear from base fora whole day and night without someone noticing. No doubt Quaritch was keep a close eye on her and reporting back to Selfridge at this moment.

Awa thought the forest was the most beautiful this way, in the darkness. The exotic colors of Pandora really came to life during the night, illuminating their path in different shades of neon. Trees of all sizes and kinds turned into a blur of brown as the two raced down the path to the human territory, the soft grunting and quiet pants of the pa'li echoing around them.

No one said anything for the hour ride back, the silence was at first caused by them not wanting to get caught by the Omaticaya but then it just stuck, the air felt thick and uncomfortable but neither of them knew how to break it. Tri'ty gently slowed down as the end of the forest came into view and the lifeless grey of Hell's gate slowly grew before them. Where there used to be a forest bursting with life in different forms and vibrating color there was now only a dull grey, metal and broken dreams.

"This is my stop" Awa awkwardly spoke up when she shifted to get off the tall pa'li and then fell to the ground with a slight oof. "Look I really appreciate what you did for me"

"Don't mention it" Ngeha grinned, showing a bit of teeth. "You can thank me properly tomorrow, I heard Atxa has something special planned for you"

"You know Atxa?" Awa asked and raised a curious eyebrow,

Ngeha cackled, the sound loud and vibrating in the air around them. It was a husky sound but yet so melodious and soothing. "Of course I know him, he's my mate"

"Oh..." Awa stuttered with a surprised look on her face, this she hadn't expected. "He didn't tell me"

The Na'vi grinned and pushed Awa slightly in the head. "And have you two had a conversation about mates?" She asked with a pointed look in her eyes as she stared down at the blushing human.

"No..." Awa replied, dragging out the O. "We haven't"

"Then that's why he hasn't told you yet. That and he's being cautious,"

"Cautious about what?" The human asked before petting the pa'li with long careful strokes.

"About you." Ngeha told her and shifted her and Tri'ty so that they faced the forest. "Have you already forgotten our earlier conversation? Trust takes time, darling, and effort. You two aren't there yet. " The Na'vi called back after trotting away from the stunned human.

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