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I was back in the United States since last night as my phone vibrated notifying me I had a notification. I picked up my phone seeing someone retweeted my tweet from last week. I opened it and read it

I smiled and liked the tweet and from what it looks like Chris liked the tweet

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I smiled and liked the tweet and from what it looks like Chris liked the tweet. I responded back to the first person who retweeted it. "Because I'm thinking about my skin glowing and my bank account growing, besides they don't want this work🥰" I tweeted tagging her then continued back to watching "it takes two". I went in the kitchen grabbing a tub of chocolate fudge brownie ice cream and started going ham.

I really wanted some brownies, my phone begun to ring as I looked at it seeing Chris trying to face time me. I smiled to myself then picked up. "What are you doing?" He asked "Nothing eating ice cream and dealing with jet lag" I said looking at the TV. "Well since you're tired I guess I was going to ask if I can come over" he said as I just placed my phone down and smiled to myself placing ice cream in my mouth.

"Yeah you can come but can you buy me a box of brownie fudge mix?" I asked peeking my head in the camera as he smiled. "Yeah I got it" he stated making me smile "thank you" I thanked as we said our goodbyes. I hung up going to go freshen up and spray some perfume on my body. I looked at my attire contemplating on changing it.

But then I thought "Lol this is my house and he don't like me" I simply thought before grabbing my charger going back in the living room

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But then I thought "Lol this is my house and he don't like me" I simply thought before grabbing my charger going back in the living room . I don't know why I was having cravings for chocolate right now but they were strong.

The only thing that I known for a fact was that I wasn't pregnant I haven't slept with anybody in like two years so that wasn't it. I already had my period and I was just horny all the time, maybe it wasn't a good idea for Chris to come over. But then again he was bringing brownies.

I finished my tub of ice cream looking to see if there was anymore chocolate ice cream that was maybe hiding in my freezer. I was becoming a chocolate junky, i needed Chris to hurry up. I was looking through my cabinets trying to find something chocolate to snack on like chocolate chips or something. "Nothing?" I asked myself as I just sat on the floor in the kitchen on my phone.

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