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After a hilarious night I had to get back up this morning since Chris wanted to hold a meeting Sunday morning. I was finished getting ready

 I was finished getting ready

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as my hair was in loose curls. I then grabbed my phone and my purse walking out the door. Once I got to the meeting I laid my head on the table waiting for the team to all get here so we can start.

I felt someone rub my back some as I looked up and seen Chris. He then tickled my side some as I giggled sitting up and trying to move his hand. "Why would you hold a meeting this early knowing I was out last night?" I asked him as he chuckled "what if I wanted to see you?" He asked with a smile as he called everyone to the table so we could discuss whatever we were about to talk about.

I just smiled to myself as he was talking. One of his team members then started talking as I felt him look over at me so i looked down at my phone in my lap smiling to myself. My phone then vibrated as I seen it was Chris.

Chris (Client): what are you smiling at weirdo?

I read as I started texting him back while listening to them talk.

Me: the drafts names of who is
about to fuck up the patriots in the playoffs😏.

He then looked over at me as I tried not to laugh at his face.

He then looked over at me as I tried not to laugh at his face

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Talking about football with him was funny as hell. 
he just smiled at the team as they continued talking to make it seem as if he was paying attention. I knew he was about to start going in, in these messages about the patriots.

Chris: do you realize you're a giants fan?😂

Me: see this is why I'm team iron man,
I really can't stand you😂

Chris: what are you doing after this?

Me: going back to sleep

Chris: after?

Me: eating

He then paused and looked up at me from his phone as I just smiled.

A Good Woman|Chris Evans (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now