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Y/N walked into my trailer with a Icee from the gas station as I was drying off my hands.

"Hey baby!" She said in a quirky tone smiling hard as I chuckled

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"Hey baby!" She said in a quirky tone smiling hard as I chuckled. I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist as she smiled. I then kissed her lips as she kissed back. "Can I have some?" I asked as she snatched it away from my reach. "No you're on a diet" she stated as I picked her up making her laugh.

I dropped her on the bed making her laugh as I hovered over her. "Now had I dropped this" she started off. "What? What were you going to do?" I asked as she cheesed "I would've had to beat your ass, i paid a dollar and seventy-five cents for this" She stated as I chuckled and kissed her lips then snatched her cup out of her hand running away.

"Chris!" She yelled as I chuckled beginning to drink it. She got off the bed starting to hit me as I laughed and dodged her hits continuing to drink. "Here" I said as she snatched it away. She looked in the cup and sucked her teeth. "You took most of it" she whined as I burped loudly making her push me away.

"That's why your beard is gone" she simply said "that's okay because I lied to you to come down here earlier, we don't finish shooting till the day after tomorrow" I said.

"And you played yourself because I'm leaving the day after tomorrow" She argued going to sit back on the bed. she took off her jacket leaving herself in a white tank top. She took off her heels all while eyeing me and drinking her icee.

I laughed making her even more mad "go take a shower" she stated and rolled her eyes as I walked up to her and she balled up, laughing and placing her hand up. "I was just playing" She said in a laugh as I chuckled. I took the Icee cup from her reaching to place it on the nightstand all while hovering over her.

"What are you doing?" She asked in a giggle as I continuously planted kisses on her neck making her smile. "I'm about to fuck Captain America" She said out of the blue as I couldn't help but laugh in between her neck. "You are so fucking weird" I said making her laugh. "I know" she said before grabbing my face and kissing my lips.

She then pulled away "I can't have sex" she simply said "what's wrong?" I asked as she started snickering "you look like a whole other guy" she said as I playfully rolled my eyes back. "It feels like I'm cheating on you with you" She said as I chuckled "shut up" I said before kissing her lips.

I deepened the kiss as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I unbuttoned her jeans as she continued to kiss my lips. I kissed her neck then traveled down to chest lifting her tank top up kissing her stomach. I pulled her jeans off along with her underwear.

I gripped her thighs beginning to kiss the inside of her thighs. I then licked in between her folds slowly as she bit her lip softly. Y/N then looked down at me as I started swirling my tongue around. she moaned slightly as I continued beginning to go deeper.

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