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"I'm so exhausted" I heard Chris groan as I turned some in the bed. "Well you better turn the alarm clock off and get up because it's starting to get annoying" I said with my face in the pillows but he already went back to sleep. I grabbed his phone turning the alarm off.

"Get up" I simply said nudging him but he started acting like he didn't hear me like he was in a deep sleep that fast. I got under the covers and placed my mouth around his tip. I grabbed the base moving my hand up and down as he got tense. I placed my hand on his ab as he took the covers off some looking down at me. He smirked placing his hand on his forehead.

He groaned as I continued bobbing my head. I slowly took him down my throat as he placed his hand on my head. I looked up at him smirking as his head was leaned back. "I'm up" he groaned as I continued. I pulled him out my mouth licking the sides as he looked at me while biting his lip. I smirked spitting on the tip.

"Fuck" he groaned, I brought him back down my throat gagging some then went back to bobbing my head as there was spit everywhere. I took him out moving my hand softly up and down as he came. I licked and sucked him clean as he groaned.

I then sat up "now get up" I simply said throwing the covers back over me as I turned on my side trying to go back to sleep but Chris wanted to be funny and snatch the covers off of me. "Stop and go to work" I whined snatching the covers back from him as he chuckled and kissed my head before he went to go get ready. I smiled and fell back to sleep.

Around 10 o clock I got up and started getting ready. I got in the shower then got out brushing my teeth and started getting dressed. I placed on a black pair of leggings along with a black v neck long sleeve fitted shirt. I placed on a pair of Uggs then put my hair into a ponytail placing a black nike hat on.
To top the outfit off I placed on a black hoodie.

It was Chris's but I don't think he knows I have it

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It was Chris's but I don't think he knows I have it. I sprayed some perfume on then went out the trailer being greeted immediately by Scarlett. "Hey Y/N" she said as we smiled and hugged "hey" I stated.

"You must've got in last night" She brought up as I nodded. "Yeah I seen Anthony and Sebastian already. Where's everyone at?" I asked. "We're eating right now come on" she said with a smile and linked our arms.

We walked into a room where everyone was eating and talking to each other in their suits. Everyone greeted me as I smiled shyly and greeted everyone. I sat down as they gave me a plate of food.

"Look who's finally awake" Anthony stated trying to start with me but we were in a room full of all the avengers and I was shy. Although I knew and talked to all of them I get shy here and there. I placed my middle finger up at Anthony as I seen Chris chuckle.

I looked at him as he smiled then continued talking amongst everyone.

We were done eating just all talking to each other Scarlett,Chris, Anthony, Sebastian and I were all talking about a game Chris and Anthony made up,

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We were done eating just all talking to each other Scarlett,Chris, Anthony, Sebastian and I were all talking about a game Chris and Anthony made up,

"It's called truth of drink" Chris stated off "but it's the dirty version" he added as we all laughed "of course it is" Scarlett said. "You all really want a hangover while filming?" I questioned.

"We're not filming tomorrow" Sebastian said "it's basically truth or dare except if you don't tell the truth you have to take a shot" Chris explained.

"And we're going to have all types of questions" Anthony said looking through his phone. "This is why my wife doesn't like me hanging out with you" mark ruffalo stated to Chris as everyone laughed. "Nobody's wife wants their husband hanging out with me" Chris said as we laughed even more.

"Where's Jeremy he would love this?!" Scarlett asked. "He has to film in the morning so it's just us" Chris said. "We got some pretty steamy questions" Anthony stated. "Oh God" I said playfully rolling my eyes as they laughed. "Don't chicken out" Sebastian said as I laughed. "Never that" I stated as they were called to shoot.

Chris was the last to get up as he kissed my head making me smile. "Go do your job please" I said as he chuckled and we shared a kiss before he walked off. "That's America's ass" I stated pointing out his ass as he laughed.

I got to sit with the directors watching everyone act as they film. It was fun to relax and watch vs me running around like a chicken with its head cut off making sure Chris was okay as his manager.

I was doing it now, but I was more laid back vs when I first started. Maybe me just being his girlfriend was better and stress free. I looked at the camera as they were filming and it was so cool, but I could never be an actress I play too much. I wouldn't be abled to take it seriously especially with them talking to tennis balls I could never.

They called Chris over as we were looking at the screen of his take that he did.

They called Chris over as we were looking at the screen of his take that he did

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He then came over to me as I handed him a water bottle. "What you want for dinner tonight?" He asked as I giggled "we didn't even get to lunch and you're thinking about dinner?" I asked as he chuckled.

"Because I know they're going to make me eat a salad for lunch and that's not food" he stated making me laugh. "I kind of want to try their wings, they have a wing place almost everywhere out here" I said. "Chris!" We heard as he turned "Okay so when I'm done with filming I'll freshen up and we can find a spot" he said quickly before kissing my cheek and running off as I smiled watching him do his job.

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