Chapter 1

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My life hasn't been very normal. I was the youngest Stackhouse orphan in Bon Temps. Evangeline Stackhouse. I mostly go by Evie. My older sister, Sookie, and brother, Jason, and I were raised by our grandmother, Adele. Our parents died in a flash flood when we were all very young. To top that off my older sister was a telepath, which made it hard to keep secrets from her growing up. I had a gift too but nothing that intense. I could sense danger coming. People intentions, or if they were lying. It sounds weird to call it a gift but that's what grandmother called it after it helped me stay out of trouble as a kid.

I was hanging out at Merlotte's, the local bar and grill that my sister worked at. I did it often, seeing as there was nothing better to do in town. Sookie was currently on the phone with Tara, who I'm guessing got fired again.

"Tara's on her way." Sookie told me as I was sitting at the bar.

"I'll have some whiskey waiting for her when she gets here." I told her.

"Don't drink too much girl." Dawn, another server told me. "I want you to go with me to that bar in Shreveport with me."

"Why me?"

"Because you help me stay out of trouble."

"And I can tell you trouble is all you're going to find at that bar." Dawn had told me about this bar she wanted to go. It was a vampire bar which means all her other friends refused to go with her. Though I did have a habit of keeping us out of trouble.

"Come on. If you start feeling sick we'll leave. Promise."

"This is the only time I'll go there. Alright? One time."

"Fine, fine." Then she left to get back to work.

I felt a strong chill down my back and saw the Rattrays had come into the bar. They always had trouble around them, it never failed.

"Mack and Denise Rattray are just about to sit down in your section." Dawn told Sookie who groaned.

"Don't let them get to you. They're not worth it." Sam told her and she started towards the table. I quickly grabbed her arm real quick.

"Short and sweet, Sook. Be careful." I told her and she nodded before doing her job.

It wasn't long before Tara showed up and as promised I ordered her a shot and she sat with me.

"My life sucks." She told Sookie and I.

"Tara, don't you be feeling sorry for yourself. That's just lazy." Sookie told her

"Why can't I keep a job?"

"Maybe because you can't keep your mouth shut." I told her with a big smile.

"Bitch, who asked you?" Tara said with a smile of her own.

"How you doing, Sookie?" Sam asked as he came up to us.

"I've had better nights." Sookie told him.

"Anything I can do to improve this one for you?" Sookie was quiet until she stared at who ever came through the door. I looked back and saw a man with pale skin, dark hair, and dark aura come and sit down in a booth.

"Oh, my God! I think Merlotte's just got its first vampire!" Sookie got all excited.

"I think you're right." Sam said.

"Can you believe it?! Right here, in Bon Temps?! I've been waiting for this to happen since they came out of the coffin two years ago!" Sookie then took off in a hurry to meet the vampire. He didn't give me a good feeling.

"Girl you ready?" I looked over and Dawn was coming out, ready to leave.

"I guess." I looked at Sam and Tara. "Keep an eye on my sister." Then I left with Dawn.


The bar was exactly like you would think it would be. Dawn had a blast. The dance with danger but I was just keeping an I on my friend. I was all for a party, but this was a lot. So many dangerous waves were all around me, it made me feel almost sick. Of course parting with vampires comes with it. Vampires looking to drink from a human, a human looking to sleep with a vampire. It was all a bad mix.

There was however someone different. He had chin length blonde hair, and even though he was sitting on a throne I could tell he was much taller then I. It was strange. His waves were both of safety and danger. I had never encountered anyone like this. With all the danger around me and yet I still felt this sense of safety wash over me by looking at him.

It was getting late when I decided to head home for the night, Dawn doing the same. I got home to a quiet house, everyone probably long asleep by now. I took myself up to bed and got some sleep. Tomorrow was another day.


Turns out my dear sister didn't listen to my advice last night about the Rattrays and got into a scrap with them. I came outside as Jason pulled up and learned what happened.

"I told you they were covered in danger Sookie. Why didn't you listen?"

"Because I couldn't just stand by and do nothing while they killed him."

We all ended up inside at Gran's dining table talking, when Gran told us that a girl in town had been killed last night.

"That was Evalee Mason. Guess who was found strangled to death in her apartment. Maudette Pickens!"

"Oh, my Lord." Sookie said.

"She didn't show up for work ... wasn't answering her phone and so her boss called Bud Dearborne. He rode over, got the manager to let him in, and they found her."

"I went to high school with Maudette."

"Can you believe it? A murder in Bon Temps." Grans said sitting with us.

"Town ain't what it used to be." I said and drank some of my coffee.

"Well, why are you surprised? Now that we got ourselves a vampire." Jason said.

"Just because he's a vampire doesn't mean he's a murderer!" Sookie told him.

"Ah come on! Fang-bangers go missing all the time in Shreveport, New Orleans! They never find them but everybody knows the vampires are killing them and disposing of the bodies!"

"What's a fang-banger?" Gran asked.

"A vampire groupie. Men and women who like to get bitten and sleep with vampires." I told her.

"My stars!"

"Maudette was a fang-banger?!! How do you know that?" Sookie asked Jason.

"I don't know, Sookie! The way that you just know things sometimes!" Jason slammed his hand on the able and then took his dishes to the sink. "There's also, hookers, who specialize in vampires. They drink Tru Blood to keep their supply up, and they keep a bodyguard there in case the vamp gets a little too frisky." The three of us looked at him confused as to why he would know that. "I read that in a magazine."

"Wonder how much one would charge for something like that?" Gran asked.

"A thousand bucks." Jason answered.

"See, now that just makes me sick." Sookie said.

"I know. What kind of cheap woman could ever do something like that?" Gran asked in wonder.

"No, it makes me sick that they're gettin' a thousand bucks to lay there and do nothin' while I bust my ass for 10 bucks an hour plus tips."

"Oh, I don't think they just lay there." I said and she looked confused.

"I think they're expected to, you know, participate." Jason explained.

"Ewww!" I laughed at Sookie's reaction.

"Well, um, thanks for lunch, Gran." Jason then went to leave but Sookie went after him and grabbed his head. Once he realized what she was doing he shoved her off him. "Don't try that with me, goddamn it! I'm your brother!" With that he left the house.

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