Chapter 18

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I walked down the hall towards my room. I was hesitant to go inside but I knew I had to. Eric needed me. I stood outside the door trying to figure out what to say. It's never easy loosing people.

Finally, I opened the door and came into Eric, shirtless and sitting on the couch, covered in blood from crying. I quickly went to the bathroom and got a damp cloth to clean him up.

I came over and sat on the coffee table in front of him. I moved him back a bit and wiped the blood from his chest and cheeks the best I could. He didn't fight nor question me on the matter.

"Godric is gone." He said, his eyes not focusing.

"Yeah. But he's happy. That's what matters." I said softly. He closed his eyes and leaned his head against mine. "I'm right here Eric. I'm not going anywhere. You don't have to go through this alone." I held his face and closed my eyes too. His sadness was strong, but something else was there. Like he was pushing himself to say something yet remained silent for a few moments.

"Be mine. Please." I let out a sigh but he spoke again before I could. "Not my human. My partner." I pulled back a little and looked at him. "Be mine in every way Angel." He brushed my hair back from my face and caressed my jaw, causing me to look down at the floor. 


"I love you." My eyes snapped up to his. He wasn't lying. He meant it.

"Doesn't that go against everything you've talked about?"

"I've been that way because the last time, I fell in love with a human, I was forced to make a choice. Her or Pam. I chose Pam and vowed to myself never to love another human. Then you walked into my bar, and you didn't fall for my shit." The both of us chuckled a bit. Then you came back again and again and, I just continued to grow closer to you. The more I got to know you, the real you, the more I fell for you."

"I've had feelings for you for a while now, I just assumed you would never feel them back."

"I do." 

Then he rushed forward and kissed me. I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled me closer until I was straddling him. He pulled back and pulled my shirt over my head before kissing me jaw and down my neck. He pulled back again and I saw his fang were out. He looked at me, asking permission. I nodded and moved my hair from my neck and he wasted no time biting down. It stung at first but then felt so much better. Probably helped that I had his blood in my system. He pulled back and poked his finger on his fangs before rubbing it over the bite. Then just stared at me.

"What are you stopping?" I asked him.

"I wasn't sure you wanted to tonight. Given everything."

"I'm fine." I pulled him closer to me, our lips just barely apart. "I want you Eric." Then he kissed me again.


There was a knock at the door a few hours later and I grabbed a small black robe before going and answering it. Sookie stood there with her bags.

"Hey why aren't you ready to go?" She asked me.

"I uh, I'm not going today. I'm gonna stay with Eric for a little bit." She must have just noticed the robe because her mood switched.

"You did not. Tell me you didn't."

"Didn't what?"

"Are you sleeping with Eric? After everything?"

"Do you sleep with your boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend? Evie you're better than him-"

"Better than a vampire that's done nothing to me except find every opportunity to mess with your boyfriend? He's been a better friend and has been there for me since those killings began Sookie. Same way Bill has for you. I know Eric better than you do and you should trust me to make my own choices."

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