Chapter 15

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This chapter is really long but there was no good place to end it, and since I'm not as sick anymore I was just sort of writing all day. Enjoy guys!

"I used to be just like you two." He said, explaining why he was selling us out. Turns out he's just mad Isabel wouldn't turn him. "No she's just been using me. The same way Bill is using you, and Eric is using your sister."

"You don't know Bill." Sookie said.

"And what use am I to Eric? A lie detector?"

"You can convince your sister to help with things like this. I mean a telepath's gonna be a real trophy for a vampire, even if indirectly."

"Shut up." We both snapped at him.

"All they care about is their own kind. Okay that's why I joined the Fellowship."

"Let me ask you something Hugo." I said, trying to sit up more. "If the Newlin's care about you so much, then why are you still down here? They have us now, why keep you locked up too? Didn't you do your job?"

"Face it Hugo, you're nothing but a fang banging traitor to them." Sookie said.

"Gabe!" Hugo yelled. "Gabe they know everything! You can let me out now! Hey! Anybody! Come on let me out!" He kept going.

"Yup." I said. "You're really important to them." I said and felt like I was gonna be sick again. "Is there something I can throw up in?"

"Let me see your head Eve." Sookie came over and looked at me head. I heard her gulp.

"That bad huh?"

"It's fine."

"I know when you're lying Sook."

"I don't know exactly how bad but that's a really deep cut on your head."

"Cool. Which means I've got the back of my head soaked in blood." I leaned back against the wall and closed my eyes. "Great."


Few hours later Gabe came back through the door.

"What happened to your face?" Hugo asked and I got a bad feeling so I pulled myself up again. He was angry as hell. "Listen, they know everything. Which never would have happened if you hadn't kept me lock down here with a god damn mind reader. I hope the reverend knows I'm gonna need protection now."

"Hugo get away from him." I warned and when Hugo didn't, Gabe punch him so hard he fell down.

"You want protection you fang bangin sack of shit?" Gabe kicked Hugo. "How's that for protection? Huh? Here's a little more protection." He grabbed Hugo and hit him.

"Stop it!" Sookie yelled and jumped on his back, causing him to slam her into the wall.

"You and your moron brother think you can make an ass hole out of me?" He said and grabbed her throat. Now it all made sense.

"You make an ass of yourself." I said and started laughing a bit. He looked over at me.

"You think this is all funny?" He shoved my sister to the ground and stalked over to me.

"Well, it could be the massive head trauma, thanks by the way, but yeah I do." I did my best to stand my ground, and not look as hurt as I was. "My idiotic brother, though I love him dearly, beat the shit out of you, and you're so much of a pussy you come down here and take it out on his little sisters?" I let out another laugh. I was hoping Sookie would take this opportunity to run. "What kind of man are you?" That did it. I felt his rage go through the roof and knew I fucked up big time. Sookie you better fucking run damn it.

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