Chapter 5

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The next day I was at Merlotte's while Sookie was working. Tonight Bill was speaking at Gran's thing and all of us had planned to go. Sookie was doing side work when she spilled ketchup all on her hand.

"That vampire Bill would get a rise out of that." Arlene said making a joke and I let out a chuckle.

"You'll have to ask him yourself." Sookie said. After Bill glmaoured the hell out of that officer last night, she's been mad at him

"Vamp club not all it was made out to be, huh? A lot of freaks, I hear. And people from Arkansas."

"It was fine."

"Don't lie." I said and she glared at me while continuing to poor ketchup into one of the bottles.

"So what, then? Did that vampire get all handsy with you?" Arlene asked.

"I can take care of myself. And no, I won't be goin' out with him again." Sookie said and I caught Arlene look at Sam. I got a little smile on my face. Little Sammy's gonna shoot his shot. "Okay, that place was kinda freaky, but how are you ever gonna know until you go see for yourself."

"I said my piece yesterday." Sam said.

"It's not bad. I mean it's different." I said.

"Like that Eric vampire who knew you?"

"You knew I had been there before." I took a drink of my coke.

"Wait you've been with a vampire?" Arlene asked me.

"No." I set my glass down. "First time I went, was with Dawn. Second I went back to find something. Only I was disappointed."

"Disappointed?" Sam asked. "What were looking for a vampire bar?" I looked at him and Arlene. Both of them knew about Sookie so what was the difference.

"I'm kind of like Sookie. Not with thoughts but with, emotions, intentions. I read waves, or vibes, or whatever you call them."

"She also know when people lie. She's a walking lie detector." Sookie said.

"Ok. So what does that have to do with a vampire bar?" Sam asked me.

"When I went Dawn I felt, sex, lust, high, and danger. All over the place. But I also felt this wave of safety. I don't know why but I have never felt something like it before. I went back to find it again. Find where it came from."

"I take it you didn't? That's why you were disappointed?" Arlene asked.

"Nope. I found it." I took another drink. "It came from Eric." I said and Sookie quickly looked over at me in shock. "When I spoke to him, he was a complete ass, as you noticed, and that was my last time intending to go there. Until Dawn was killed."

"Well I'm sorry it didn't turn out like you'd hoped, but better it happens now than before you end up hurt, or dead. Either of you." Arlene walked away and Sam went over to Sookie. I hopped down and went with Arlene.

"Excuse me but is Sam about to-"

"Yes can you believe it." Arlene said.

"Bout time he did something. I'm afraid he may have waited too long though." She gave me a knowing face and walked away.


I was helping Gran handing out the brochures to people who came to her Descendents of the Glorious Dead meeting, which was featuring Bill speaking tonight

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I was helping Gran handing out the brochures to people who came to her Descendents of the Glorious Dead meeting, which was featuring Bill speaking tonight. Gran worked hard on it so I cleaned myself up real nice and came with her to help out any way I could.

"You look so nice tonight Evie. Thank you."

"Well you worked hard, even had it at the church." I gave her a big smile. "I didn't wanna embarrass you."

"You could never embarrass me Eve. People don't know what they're talking about, don't worry." She rubbed my back in a comforting manor and gave me a smile. I smiled back at her.

"Thanks Gran." I looked over and saw Arlene with her kids and Rene.

"Hi there, munchkins." Gran said greeting them. "Oh I reckon you're the youngest history buffs we've had at the DGD." Gran said as she gave them all a brochure.

"Yeah well, they wouldn't stay home for nothin'." Rene said. "The minute they heard vampire, the had to come." I laughed and handed him one. "You look nice tonight Evangeline."

"Thank you Rene. Enjoy it. I don't dress nice often." He laughed it off and they all went to get a seat. They were nervous, just like everyone here. Then the mayor came up to us.

"Evening Adele, Evie. Quite a turn out isn't it? Good thing Myra made extra ambrosia."

"Oh Andy Bellefleur will like that. He's with the Dearborne's. Look, Lord knows why Bud insisted on wearing his uniform." Gran said.

"Is our vampire friend here?"

"In the kitchen waiting. I left him with a bottle of that Tru Blood they like."

"Adele, do you think we've taken enough precautions?"

"Against what?" I asked him.

"Well to make sure everybody's safe." Here we go. "Ordinarily I wouldn't pay no mind but, there's young folks here."

"Sterling, we don't have anything to be frightened of. Mr. Compton is a perfect gentleman. Frankly I'm more worried about what we might do to him." Then the mayor and his wife went and grabbed their seats.

Soon after Sookie and Sam walked in.

"Wow Gran, look at all the people." She looked at me and smiled. "Oh my god Evie you dressed so nice tonight." I smiled back and gave her a hug.

"Isn't it excitin'?" Gran said and looked at Sam. "Well Sam Merlotte, what a nice surprise."

"When Sookie told me she was comin' here alone, I thought it'd be a shame for her to come without an escort." Sam told her.

"Well how very gentlemanly of you."

"Okay we're sittin' down now." Sookie said and they went to grab some seats by Tara.

"Save me a seat with you guys?" I asked and Sookie nodded her head.

When it was time for Gran to announce Bill I went and sat down next to my sister. It went really well. Bill did great. Even when his family came to topic he held himself together very well, even though I didn't have to feel his emotions to see it hurt him, leaving his family the way he did. His kids.

Gran left a little into the after party, she had been up early preparing this and was feeling tired. I told her I would be home soon as I dropped Jason off with Hoyt. After a while everyone left to Merlotte's and Sookie went with Sam for coffee.

After dropping Jason off with his friends I started home when Sookie called me. Her and Sam got into a big fight and she needed a ride home. I pulled up to the restaurant and she got in.

"What was it about? I thought tonight was going well." I asked her.

"I just felt rushed, after Bill and everything. He just wanted to get mad about it. So then I got mad at him because he waited until someone else came around to do anything."

"Well you may have a point there. Sam's been wanting to ask you out for a long time. We kept telling him to shoot his shot before it was gone."

"Yeah well maybe. Right now I just wanna get in bed and forget this night happened for a bit."

"I felt that." I pulled up to the house and cut the engine before we both got out. "I'm glad Gran's meeting went over well though."

"Yeah. Let's be quiet so we don't wake her."

I nodded my head and we entered the porch, both of us taking out shoes off. When we went inside it was dark. Sookie suddenly slipped forward and I went to grab onto her before she could fall. She reached over and found the lightswitch. When the light came on we saw blood on the floor. Then Sookie stopped in the doorway and I pushed beside her to see our grandmother on the floor, a large pool of blood surrounding her.

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