Chapter 3

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Sookie came home later to get ready for Bill Compton, the town's new vampire, to come over and meet everyone.

"So what happened with the Rats last night Sook?" I asked as she got ready.

"What do you mean?"

"Why were you so concerned with what happened?"

"Just curious."

"So you didn't see them last night at all?" That question made my sister go quiet. "You can't lie to me Sookie, what happened."

"They beat the shit out of me. Bill stopped them."

"By killing them?"

"It wasn't like he just wanted to kill them." She turned around and looked at me. "I couldn't feel my legs Evie. They beat me almost to death, if it wasn't for Bill I would have-"

"You're fine though?" I was confused and she nodded her head.

"Bill fed me his blood. Their blood can heal us."

"That's kinda gross. Look, if you trust him so will I, but I don't like the vibes I get from him. His waves are full of-"

"Darkness? Bloodlust? Danger?"

"Lies. I could be wrong and it could be something else but, I don't fully trust him Sookie. Please be carful."

"I will." She turned around and finished brushing her hair. "What was Jason saying about a vampire bar?"

"I went with Dawn, and it was how you expect. Full of danger and dark vibes, but I felt something else that confused me."

"What?" She came over and sat on the bed next to me.

"There's this one vampire, I don't get the same feeling from him. I felt safe, with him around. He's a total dick though so I don't know why."

"What did he do?"

"Same thing everyone does. Little Evie Stackhouse, the closet drug addict. You know how this whole town thinks I'm some drugged up hippie."

"You're not. You've kept us out of a lot of trouble growing up. You've done a lot of good."

"Yeah but my shit just doesn't make sense. You read minds, I just feel waves and sense lies."

"You what Gran says-"

"Yeah and if Gran was right, and my gifts were to evolve, or whatever, they would have by now. I'm fucking 23 damn it." I stood up and ran my hands through my hair in aggravation. I heard Sookie let out a sigh behind me and turned towards her. "I'm sorry Sook. I just, I'm tired of all people seeing me as is some drugged up kid. I'm not like that. I can't go anywhere without feeling what people feel or intend to do. Shit sucks."

"I know. It's ok."

She hugged me and we went about our night. Bill seemed nice. His waves didn't change at all but Sookie seemed happy. I gave it a chance to just because he's a vampire so I let him be as she asked. She couldn't read his mind so maybe I only feel the darkness that comes with a vampire. Of course Tara and Jason had to be rude towards Bill, with their vampire hate.


The next day I came down stairs and I saw Sookie leave. She went to do something for Sam.

"Morning Gran. You getting things started for Bill's speaking?"

"Oh yes. I'm real excited to see how it turns out."

About an half hour later Hoyt called me and told me Dawn was found dead by Sookie. I rushed out the house and met up with him, Arlene, and René.

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