Chapter 27

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We were brought to a greek god's looking place with a tree in the middle.

"I feel nauseous." Sookie said.

"Welcome to my world." I told her.

"It'll pass." Claudine told us. "Well done. As you were."

"Wait are you like the head of the fairies or something?" Sookie asked her.

"Oh hardly. No I'm your godmother. You know it's a,"

"We have a fairy godmother?" Sookie asked and I couldn't help but giggle.

"It's not all fun and parties. Some of us, have to work."

"Ok if your job is to look after us, can I just say you suck? Do you know how many times I could have used a fairy godmother?"

"Well you're still alive, aren't you? You're not exactly miss trouble free you know. Come on, let's enjoy the party."

Sookie ran into Barry, the telepath she met in Dallas. They offered us these light fruits but I didn't take one. I wanted my stomach to settle. Sookie tapped my shoulder and I looked at her.

"It's Granddaddy." I looked at who she was talking about and it looked just like him.

"Oh my god." We walked over to him.

"Granddaddy?" I asked as we walked up to him.

"Beg your pardon?"

"Granddaddy Earl." He looked at us again. "I'm Sookie. This is Evie."

"I just saw you girls last week. It was Sookie's birthday."

"Granddaddy that was twenty years ago." 

After that he had to sit down. He couldn't believe he'd been gone for so long. He was worried about Gran and we told him she passed. Sookie didn't have the heart to tell him the truth and told him she passed peacefully. He still was having a hard time processing everything. Then I got a chill down my back and everything went from peaceful to dark. Then everyone got quiet and looked at us.

"A trap?" A lady asked as she walked into view. "The trap is the world you've left behind."

"I'm sorry I just have no idea who you are." Sookie said.

"You can call me Mab. I am the one who sent for you. Have you had a try of the lumiere fruit yet?"

"No I haven't had a chance."

"It's really very good."

"Fruit doesn't sit well with my right now." I said.

"I'm not hungry." Sookie said.

"Have a taste." She told us.

"I don't want any!" Sookie snapped and threw it to the ground. That caused another shock apparently.

"The future of our kind is in peril. A vampire reached our realm because he had a taste of fairy blood. Your blood. In the old kingdom vampires nearly drank us to extinction. They drove us onto this plane"

"Well it won't happen again. I'm staying away from vampires." Sookie said.

"I just need to get back for personal reasons." I said.

"We can't have bearers of the Fae in the human plane any longer. And that includes that baby."

"You're pregnant?" Granddaddy asked me.


"We've sown too many seeds with the humans, now it's time to harvest."

"Harvest?" Sookie and I asked.

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