No, It's Not.

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I would most certainly die if I did nothing. And I had a very large chance of dying if I actually did something. But I did have a slight chance of escaping. So I wasn't going to lay down and die. That's not how I do things.

One of the guards began undoing the restraints, and I quickly scanned the room. One guard in front of me, one by the door, a third on the observation deck. I could do this. The first guard finally got me out of the restraints, and I did my best to act unconcious. It worked.

I was put on the guard's back as he carried me to my cell. We turned a corner, where it was just us, and I reached around and snapped his neck. I caught his body to muffle the fall, and I pulled it into a dark corner.

I searched him for weapons, but only found a small handgun and a pretty big knife. I took both, and set out. I knew that this was going to be and uphill battle from now on.

I came across a one-man patrol in the other hallway. I snuck up behind him and shoved the knife deep in his chest. He dropped, and I pulled him out of sight. I tried to pick up the assault rifle he was carrying, but due to my bad case of malnutrition, I lost a lot of strength over the three or so months I had been captive, so I couldn't pick it up and aim it well with just one arm.

I found a medical room after dispatching more guards, and found some supplies to temporarily patch up my arm. I took out more guards, and finally, the last one dropped dead. I searched the small base I was in for more supplies, and possibly radio equipment. I found both.

Using the radio, I repeatedly sent out distress signals to the UNGM, and an hour later, a shuttle came to pick me up.

I'm free. It's finally over.

I stumbled toward the doors of the shuttle, but my strength left me. My legs buckled, and I had begun to fall, when I crimson-clad soldier caught me. I looked up into the visor of the red helmet and thought I could see two faint blue eyes.

The Frontier WarOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz