How I Came To Rule The World

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A/N Hey potatoes!!! I'M BACK AND BETTER THAN EVER!!! Lol, I've always wanted to say that!!!

Anyway, ironically, my teacher assigned us a journal, and the topic was, "What would you do if you had minions for a week?" I thought that would be perfect for this book!!! Anyway, I hope you like it.

P.S. I hope you do not think I'm crazy by the end of the story.

It was a day, like any other ordinary day. If you could call it ordinary. While one's definition of ordinary may be normal, or nothing out of order, my definition gives a whole new meaning to insane.

Dear Sarayu,

Lucy and I have decided to trust you with the minions for a week while we go on our honeymoon. My deepest apologies for not telling you sooner, but it was simply a last minute thing. Have fun!

Gru ________

What?! My eyes frantically drifted between the note in my hand, and the group of about 10 minions standing hopefully right outside my front door.
"Um... Hi?" I weakly smiled.

It was like a bomb exploded. They all charged into my house screaming war cries, pushing and shoving while I stood by the side, horrified.

"What the?... STOP!!!" I shouted putting my hand up. They instantly obeyed, freezing in their positions. "Whoa. My little brother never listened that quickly." I muttered under my breath.

One minion stepped up to me, and waved his hand like crazy. "Ello!" He exclaimed cheerily in his little minion voice. I stared at him blankly.

"Ok... This is weird. Well... I have a guest room in the basement... Do you think all of you will fit in there?" I felt like I was talking to a stuffed animal. They just stared at me, their little goggle- protected eyes unblinking. Suddenly, all of them looked at each other, shrugged, and saluted me for some reason. I felt a grin form on my face. "I will take that as a yes!"


After they had settled in, I walked upstairs. They all followed. I looked at them with a strange
expression, but continued on and walked into my room. They all followed. I decided to walk back out, just to see if they would follow me. It was like some twisted game of follow the leader. My stomach growled, so I headed back downstairs to the kitchen. Gru forgot to mention those minions were persistent!

"Will you stop following and staring at me?!" I grew frustrated after they had stopped and stared at me making a peanut butter and banana sandwich.
"Banana..." One of the minions was staring wide-eyed at the fruit basket on the table. Specifically at the bananas. All their heads whipped towards the bananas on the table. It was like some switch had gone off. They started walking in a zombie-like state, except instead of moaning for brains, bananas seemed to be the substitute. I grabbed the bunch, and their eyes followed. It was staring to creep me out. I slowly backed away from them, and I'm pretty sure my face grew fearful. That's when they attacked.

Just like when they came through my doors, they all came for me, trying to get those bananas. I jetted off, stumbling on the wood floors out of my kitchen in my socks.

They all raced behind me, screaming, "BANANA!!!"

I took a sudden left, almost knocking into the wall because of the slippery floor. To be honest, I wasn't even sure why I was still running. I could just drop the bananas and it would be all over. That's when I abruptly stopped, and they all knocked into my backside.
"Ok, you guys are minions. And minions must listen to their master. And since I'm currently your master..." My voice trailed off as I turned around. I smirked, and dropped the bunch so they could have it. They jumped it like a pack of wild hyenas, and by the time they stepped back, there was nothing left except banana peels. They laughed sheepishly and scratched the backs of their necks.

"It's fine." I waved it off. "But I have big plans for you guys." I rubbed my hands together and laughed evilly.


The next day flew by quickly. I had them assassinate every form of superiority in every nation.
Presidents, queens, Dukes, prime ministers, oh, they were all gone. I had taken over every continent in the world, and I.


Loving it.

I had everything I had ever wanted.

This, was now the ordinary.


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