Stuart, Meet Cardboard. Cardboard, This Idiot Is Stuart.

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Dedicated to TheMysteriousXXO


Minion: *sees cardboard cutout of banana*

*gasps in delight*

Minion: BANANA!!!

*tries to eat it*

*won't budge*

*gets mad*

*tries to eat it again*

*won't budge*

*gets mad*

*gets scissors*

*tries to cut it*

*won't budge*

Minion: HANA MATUTU!!!

*gets chain saw*

*evil laugh*

*chain saws banana in half*

*punches chest like Tarzan*

Minion: YES!!! HAHA!!!

Me: What's going on? *sees cardboard banana and Stuart with chainsaw on the floor*

Me: *face palms* Stuart, meet cardboard. Cardboard, this idiot is Stuart.

Stuart: Oh...

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