Chapter 1

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It's been three weeks since Hop and Gloria obtained their legendary counterparts. Gloria is the famous champion of Galar. Hop is now the assistant of the professor of the region, Sonia. The duo had been friends since they were very small. Hop always had one dream, defeat his brother and become champion of the Galar region. Even though he was the one who pushed his best friend in joining the gym challenge, she was the one who got away with his dream. He wasn't strong enough, he was not good enough. The only time he and Gloria stood as equals was as the legendary heroes, saving the Galar region from the Armageddon. It was once again his best friend who caught Eternatus, but they defeated him together. They still both are the two heroes of Galar, along side with their legendary wolves. The shield Pokémon, Zamazenta and the Sword Pokémon, Zacian. Nowadays Gloria trains a lot with the other gymleaders. She goes to lots of meetings and interviews. Hop is often busy with research, and helping Sonia. Sometimes he has interviews too, but not as often as Gloria. They haven't seen each other ever since obtaining the legendary Pokémon.

Hop sighed, and slowly walked through the big farm fields of Postwick. He was madly in love with Gloria ever since the day they first met. He just never felt good enough for her. He always planned to confess to her while they were doing the gym challenge. But every time they battled he could feel his confidence falling deeper and deeper. He kicked away a small rock. If only he'd be stronger. Not seeing her for a few weeks was getting harder and harder everyday.

Suddenly it felt like the ground was shaking. His head started to hurt really bad.

"ugh, what the-" Hop groaned and grabbed his head tightly.

Pictures of the slumbering wealds echoed through his mind. The sound of two pokemon howling echoed through his head. A red shining light shone next to Hop. Zamazenta, his legendary Pokémon, escaped his pokeball and kept nudging his trainers shoulder. The headache was over in a matter of seconds. Zamazenta looked at Hop with intense eyes.

"You want us to go to the slumbering weald?" He asked his Pokémon, still a slight groan in his voice. He sighed out loud. "Alright then. Let's go together mate."

He set off towards the Slumbering wealds. The exit was near Gloria's house. He stood before the entrance of the forest. He glanced towards her house for a moment. Maybe she had a vision too? The young boy shrug his head. Hop still couldn't face her. He opened the old, wooden gates to the forest and walked right in.


Gloria stretched out her arms and let out a deep yawn. She was finally done for today. She quickly changed her clothes and stepped out of the tall flat she was in. She looked up at the sky, shielding her eyes from the sun with one of her hands. It was really nice weather today. She decided to walk towards the station of Hurlbury. The brunette champion just finished a photoshoot together with Nessa, Marnie and Melony. Gloria has gotten really close to the gymleaders since she started working among them. She never expected for life to turn out this way. When she moved from the city to the rural town of Postwick she never expected her life to change so drastically. She never would've joined the gym challenge in the first place. Due to her hyper energetic high spirited way of being she always expected herself to work at a farm, just like her mother. It was her best friend, Hop whom she loved very dearly, that pushed her onto this path. She has always felt guilty for taking away his dream. She arrived at the station, and ran towards the train for it was nearly departing. She felt something pull the sleeve of her grey parka. She looked down and saw a young boy gazing up at her with big round eyes.

"Miss champion? It's you, right?" the little boy asked her softly with big, shining eyes.

Gloria sat down on her knees and nodded proudly. She put her finger against her lips. "yes yes! It is me." the champion had a big smile on her face. She grabbed a pen and a special league card out of her pocket.

"whats your name?" she asked him kindly.

The little boy was jumping excitedly. "Its John!" he whispered loudly.

"Alright!" Gloria quickly scribbled something on top of her league card. She handed it over to the little boy.

His eyes widened once again, and he held it tight to his chest as he looked up to her. "it's a rare league card!! Thank you miss!"

Gloria stood back up. She always felt like a hero. Well, she was one of course. But making a little kids day always felt like doing a good deed.

The piercing sound of the train whistle echoed through the station. Gloria's turned around immediately and made a quick sprint to the train. She was out of breath, but made it just in time. Maybe when she got back home she could visit Hop again. It has been three weeks since she had last seen him. Could he be angry at her? He never tried to contact her at all.

She finally arrived at Wedgehurst. The second she stepped onto the perron she took a deep breath. It really smelled like farms and nature. She had missed it so much! She started to take the familiar road back home. Gloria took a pokeball out of her pocket. The brunette girl threw it in the air to let out Zacian. The two heroes have grown very close during their training sessions. Now they weren't in the city anymore so she could let Zacian roam free.

"Ah, we're almost home! Come on, let's r-" her head felt like it was pounding through her skull. The champion fell down on her knees. Just like Hop she heard a faint howl, and the picture of the slumbering wealds kept flashing in her mind.

Zacian barked, and pressed herself against her trainer to comfort her. The headache went away. Gloria stood up again and looked towards the forest with her teeth grinded. Zacian sprinted towards the entrance.

"H... Hey, Zacian..." She muttered, still shook from what just happened. Zacian ignored her trainer and just ran into the slumbering wealds. "Zacian! Wait up!" the champion took another sprint to follow her Pokémon into the forest. They went deeper and deeper until she couldn't see anything thanks to the thick mist.

"Zacian? Zacian!" she called as loud as she could. No reaction. Gloria shook her head. She had to continue. She carefully went ahead, step for step. Finally, the mist was getting thinner again. A golden light was shining right ahead of her.

"Zacian?" she called out once again.

No reaction.

"Gloria?" a familiar voice softly called out to her.

Her eyes widened with joy. It was Hop!

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