6 chapter. <<The criminal is solved>>

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POV Jasper.
Charlotte and I were waiting for the results on Henry, the doctors hadn't said anything yet, Charlotte was sleeping on my shoulder, and I covered her with my jacket.
After a few minutes, honey comes to us.sister.
I rubbed her shoulders and she opened her eyes.
"The operation was successful, but he's still in a coma," - she told us.
"Can I go to him?" - Charlotte asks.
"Only one person, one of you -
- You go, I'll go home and bring you something to eat, - she nodded and we hugged, saying goodbye I watched as Charlotte with honey.the nurse went to the ward, I left the hospital and headed towards the base.
End of the Jasper POV.

POV Charlotte.
I went into the room, and I saw Henry, and my eyes started to fill with tears, and I crept up to him, sat down behind a chair, and took his hand.
- Henry, it's me, Jasper has gone home for food and will be back soon, I decided to stay with you," - he had scratches on his face, a tube protruding from his mouth, and was almost full of medical devices. Henry looked like he was already dead. I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. - You are always brave, ready to give your life for your friends, sometimes you do not listen to me, but it does not matter, I will always love you, - I leaned my lips to his forehead, I am so afraid for him, I have never seen him in such a state. I went to the window and looked at everything that was happening there, the police, the ambulance, people listening to music with headphones, couples walking, someone playing sports, I sit and cry watching my boyfriend pass out.  "I'm not leaving you, Henry", I thought.
End of Charlotte's POV.

POV Jasper.
I was walking along the road when I saw the guy who shot Henry, and I was looking at him. A second later, he was gone, and I took a picture of him.
"I'll find out who you are," I said.
I ran into the office and immediately ran to the monitor, I downloaded a photo of this guy.
- System, find out who this person is, - I folded my arms on my chest, and a minute later his name and biography appeared before my eyes. - John Ashner-a known criminal, was in prison for 6 murders, the police are still looking for him, thank you system - I started collecting food in a container and as soon as I did, I moved to the hospital. I need to tell Charlotte who he is.

* Dystopia Hospital*.
I went into the room and saw that Shar had fallen asleep on Henry's chest, and I left the bag of food on the bedside table.
- "Hi Henry, I don't know if you can hear me or not, but I want to tell you, we're going to find the guy who dared to shoot my best friend and Charlotte's boyfriend."
It was almost evening, and only Charlotte was allowed to stay.
- "Good night, Charlotte," we hugged, - " and keep an eye on him."
"Of course, Jasp, I'm not leaving him.
- "You also said when the chel cave was exploding and you didn't want to leave, for Henry's sake.
- "That's when I realized how I felt about him."
- "I found out about the attacker," Charlotte said, shifting her gaze to me.
- And? Who is he?
- John Ashner - he was in prison for 6 murders.
- "We'll stop him," Charlotte said, and I said good - bye to her and went back to headquarters.

POV Author:
All night long, Charlotte paced the ward, occasionally sleeping on Henry's chest, and wondering what she would do when she saw this John Ashner.
- I will kill Ashner, - Charlotte owned anger and anger, but through 7 minutes she calmed down.
- "AHR! "Is Henry awake - Charlotte?"
Charlotte put her hands on his face and kissed him, then hugged him. "I missed your kisses," Henry said, stroking her hair.
- "And I, my hero, Jasper, found out that the man who shot you was John Ashner.
Henry and Charlotte were smiling at each other, the girl lying next to him.
- "There's nothing like a medicine to kiss the girl you love," - Charlotte said, and kissed him back.

So, I got a small Chapter, but I promise the next 7 chapters will be big.
I love yo all🙌❤❤

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