JASPER UPDATING TWICE!? its more likely than you think

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don't get used to it

Turtle: guys
Grian: no
Yuki: damn
Sam: what's up taurtis
Turtle: so i know it's 4 am
Grian: and i'm still upset about that
Dom: lmao
Ellen: ahy are you all awake
Soul: what is it
*turtle kicked Grian*
jay: oop
Turtle: How much are plane tickets from here to the UK
Dom: depends on the exact locations and company
Yuki: are you visiting Grian?!
ellen: i am now wide awake
Soul: aww Taurtis
Sam: it also depends on if it's a one way or two way ticket and the extent of stay
Turtle: alright thanks
Jay: can i add him back now?
Turtle; yeah sure
*Jay added Grian*
Grian: Joey rude!
Turtle: i'm not sorry
Sam: it wasn't even that important.
Ellen: it was really stupid really
Jay: Yuki; Dom; and the other(s) knows who's they are go to the "Talk bitch" chat!
Grian: what the hell?
Sam: on it.
Yuki: yes sir!
dom; kay
Turtle: they have a separate chat????
Soul: yeah i'll be there
Ellen: i'm going to bed go on without me

*Jay changed the chat name to "Game plan"*
*Sam added Dom*
Jay: Taurtis is buying plane tickets to the UK
Grian: i know
Sam: then why did he kick you
Grian: yes
Soul: does Taurtis even have the money for that?
Grian: i'm paying for it
Dom: Babe chill
Sam: okay we have our answer i'm sleeping now
Jay: but i wanna see you too dude
Dom: you're not going to the UK
Jay: you never let me have fun
Ellen: it's dangerous
Soul: she's right
ellen: you could get mugged
Dom: or kidnapped
Yukii: OR MUDERED!!!
Soul: or you could just loose your luggage which you'd probably store your ticket in which is probably more likely
*Grian took a screenshot of the chat*
Grian: brb
Jay: ????
Yukii: what?
Dom; i'm going to sleep
Ellen: same
Soul: i'll catch you two up if he does come back
Dom: kay
Ellen: thanks

Grian: *image attached*
Taurtis: i'm sure it's fine!
Grian: joey.
Taurtis: yeah i know. everything will be okay, we'll both be at the airport so if something does happen we can fix it. besides the trip is for two weeks and the luggage should be handled by then especially if there's a name tag on it. It'll be fine.
Grian: alright i guess. when is the flight?
Taurtis: Six am on Thursday
Grian: literally the worst time for both of us considering when it would land
Taurtis: it'll be fine! i'm gonna go to bed now, get some rest if you haven't
Grian; alright goodnight, see you Thursday
Taurtis: night see ya thursday!

What if I ended the chapter here 👀👀
Just kidding i'm skipping to Thursday

Jay: TAURTIS WHATS TAKING SO LONG! you said you were gonna meet before you left, and you're taking forever to get here
Sam: He is impatient.
Dom; please hurry
Ellen: Yukii told me you have no right to make us wait since you're going to see him when we all can't. also her phone isn't fully charged and she blames you
Soul: hurry up!

The group sat in the living room and did their best to wait patiently. Dom sat on the couch with Jay beside him and Yuki spayed out across their laps Ellen by her feet. Sam was leaning against the wall with Soul next to him.
They all went quiet when the front door opened  and they heard footsteps approaching the livingroom. Their dumb friend finally making an appearance.
"Sorry! that took way longer than i thought it would." Taurtis apologized smiling at them.
"WHAT TOOK SO LONG?" Jay insisted shoving Yukii off his lap and off the couch so he could stand up to emphasize the point. Yukii glared at him but stood up next to him and nodded.
"I had to pick something up first."
Another person appeared in the doorway. His curly brown hair a slight mess and his glasses falling off his face, but that didn't change how happy he was to be there.
"Uh, hey guys!"
Grian came to see them.

THE DYSFUNCTIONAL BRIT HAS ARRIVED! bet y'all thought Taurtis was leaving, nah man gotta keep ya on your toes!

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