Lunch "Date"/2

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Let's go back to our boys shall we

"No seriously! You can't tell me this isn't the best pizza you've ever had!" I laughed at Taurtis as he scarfed down what was left of what we ordered.
"Yeah it was pretty good. Still think I've had better though!" He scoffed as I stuck my tongue out at him and laughed again.
We continued to joke as we paid for our food and left to look around the shopping area. I had to admit it was a nice little place, Taurtis knew what he was doing. He dragged me into a few different stores and we would look at different toys, shirts, or signs and joke about them. Never actually buying anything just having fun and enjoying each other's company. He would point something out that he liked and I'd either agree or tell him "that's the ugliest thing I've ever seen."
"You just have bad taste!" Was always his response.
We ended up in what looked like an old antique shop and split up to look at different things, the tea sets immediately catching my attention. My mom would love them.
"Hey look at this!" T called me over and I looked to see what he was pointing at. It was this little figurine of a bear with a turtle shell. It was kinda cute.
"Who even comes up with this?" I laughed.
"What, you STILL don't like my taste?" He asked fake offended.
"No, it's actually cute." I muttered looking at the questionable statue. "It's definitely not scientifically possible though."
"You actually like it? Weirdo." He laughed and I followed suit hitting him on the arm. I disregarded him and went back to looking at other parts of the store and we soon left, continuing our 'adventure'.
We ended up staying there most of the day and chose to walk through the park again in the evening on our way to back Sam and Taurtis'.
"I have no idea how I got out of there without spending any money," I stated.
"Me either! They have such cool stuff!" Taurtis laughed even though he had ended up buying a few things. Granted most of it was candy to throw at Yuki and Jay to keep them at bay. "Isn't there anything you almost got?"
"Not unless you count the tea set. My mom would have liked it."
"Brits and their tea, s-m-h my head."
"What can I say? It's the best drink."
"You don't even like sweet tea!"
"That's because it's blasphemy!" We both laughed.
"That's just cause your a dumb brit," he commented poking me in the arm still laughing.
"That's just cause I have taste," I shot back smiling. Taurtis smiled and pulled out his phone to text the group that we were on our way back.

Taurtis: we're heading back, don't murder us
Soul: kinda late for that
Taurtis: what?
Dom: look up

We looked up just in time to see Yuki and Jay, who just so happened to be sprinting full speed towards us.

I forgot I existed on here uh- anyways thanks for reading and I appreciate your existence! See you next chapter! Buhbye!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2021 ⏰

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