How do people name chapters like actually

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(sorry for the previous errors i wrote this at 7am when i pulled a grian and has no sleep, still pulling a grian to fix this)

Don't questions the worm on a string he just wants your fanfic recommendations. So give them to him.
Seriously though i'm out of stories to read so please hand them over, if you're not sure what I'm into check my profile or just ask!

In the frantic excitement of Grian being there they somehow ended up with Sam and Dom in a different room to avoid the chaos, Taurtis against a wall trying to protect himself, Soul and Ellen both standing on the coach, and Yukii, Jay and Grian on the floor in a pile.
"Jay my glasses!" Grian laughed. Jay somehow managed to knock off both of their glasses and neither of them knew where they went.
"Screw your glasses!!" Jay yelled somehow pulling him into a sitting hug Yukii piling herself on them. Everyone except Taurtis slowly started to return to their previous places on the couches or floor as they watched Jay and Yukii obsess over finally seeing Grian in person and the poor boy being too awkward to stop them; he just wanted his glasses. Taurtis finally brave enough to move grabbed both pairs of glasses and gave them back to their respective wearers Jay immediately thanking him and putting them on.
"Are you sure you want me to wear these you look better when I don't have them." Grian smirked up at him trying to suppress a laugh. He managed to get a couple of the others to laugh and at least got a smile out of the ones that didn't.
"Unless you wanna be blind all day ya dork!" Taurtis flicked Grian on the head and helped him get up after Yuki and Jay got off.
"Maybe he does, don't talk for his interests." Dom said from the couch grabbing Jay by the leg and dragging the giggling boy over.
"Who knows maybe he likes being blind." Soul added as Yukii scooted next to her and Ellen.
"Nobody likes being blind!" Taurtis argued taking Grian's glasses from him and making the boy put them on. Grian immediately scrunched up his face making an exaggerated gagging sound as he looked at Taurtis.
"Yep uglier with them on." Taurtis acted offended by Grian's comment and gasped.
"Excuse you! You just don't know beauty when you see it!" Taurtis posed for the group as they all started laughing. Finally settling down they sat around in the living room finally getting to know their foreign friend.

I know it's short but it's been forever since I wrote this kind of chapter and i kinda wanted to get it out. The next one will be longer and its gonna be way easier to write cause it's not a group of people. Anyways I hope you all enjoyed! Thank you so much for reading and I appreciate your existence! -JasperTheDisaster

also seriously please give me fanfic suggestions i'm so bored help-

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