Prank time!

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Hey guys this is just a filler chapter to let you know of Abby's attitude. To the side is a picture of the prankster herself! Enjoy!

(2 weeks later...)

Well, this is boring, I thought to myself as I say doodling on my notebook during English. So of course, being me, my mind started to run towards other things...

Things like pranks.

"Mrs. Grett, I'm not feeling so good. Can I go to the nurse's office please?" I blurted out without bothering to raise my hand. She was a good teacher, she wouldn't mind.

"Oh sure sweetie, just let me write you a pass."

A little bit of scuffling later...

"Here you go. Hope you feel better." She said with a smile.

"Thanks." I replied and walked out of the room. As soon as I got out of the classroom, a huge grin shown on my face.

All I needed to do was call Mike, my prank supply guy, and get my friends out of their classes before the chaos could hit.

Pulling out my phone, I called Mike quickly. He was on my speed dial. Yeah, I prank people that much.

"Who ya pranking today Abs?"

"Hey Mike, it's on the student body today. I need a bunch of food dye, water, shaving cream, and a couple slip and slides long enough to go down a staircase..."

"Need any help setting it up?" He asked, knowing full well that he couldn't change my mind.

"Naw, I'm good, just get it here in the next 10 minutes please." I told him.

"Already sent my guys to grab the truck and the stuff. What color food dye would you like?" He asked with an obvious grin in his voice.

"Hmm, all of em I guess."

"Sounds good to me. Be there in 10. Might want to get your friends out now to help ya."

"Sure sure, thanks Mike."

"No problem. Bye." Click.

Alright, time to get them out of class and in front of the school.

Soon enough, the gang was running to the front of the school after my two word text of "Prank time!" None of them wanted to be on the receiving end of one of my famous pranks. Not that I blamed them. I wouldn't want to either.

Mike pulled up just then and helped unload the equipment. The gang looked at the unloaded stuff, and stared at me questioningly.

Sighing I explained the prank to them as quick as I could while we carried the stuff to the 3rd floor. We only had 45 minutes to do this, so we'd better hurry up!

Starting with the 3rd floor, we placed the slip and slide on the staircase leading to the second floor and poured water all over it. Then, we dyed the shaving cream different colors and spread it all over the slip and slide.

Basically, since it was the period before lunch, people would go from their classes on floors 2 and 3 down to the 1st floor, where the cafeteria was. They wouldn't see the prank, and would slip on the shaving cream, covering their clothes in colorful shaving cream.

From our vantage point on the second floor, we had our cameras set up to record everything, and were currently sitting in chairs pulled from an empty classroom.


Yep, let the hilariousness begin.

The blonde bimbos came out if the classes first of course, and were the first to run into our little prank. Of course, they started screaming and crying over their, makeup, and clothes.

Next came the athletes, who went running after the bimbos to comfort them, until they also met their doom.

By then, most of the student body had fallen victim to our prank. We laughed our asses off, and some of us even fell out of our chairs we were laughing so hard! Well, until we saw the football player's faces.

"Oh shit, TIME TO GO GUYS!" I screamed as I took off down the hall with the gang on my heels. And not far behind them were the football players with murderous glares on their faces.

Eventually, we lost them in the parking garage of the school. Yeah, they chased us that far.

We all collapsed on the ground at the same time and just laid their for a while, trying to catch our breath.

Eventually though, the football players found us, and caused the longest chase ever. We still got away though by hiding in my room. Everyone collapsed once again, but this time, we all fell asleep.

Yep another chapter done tonight! Hope you liked it!

Alright I'm gonna rant about something for a little bit, don't read if you don't like rants.

Okay so today someone mentioned Taylor Swift and how she's so amazing now and stuff. Honestly! So many people have only noticed her recently and they say she's their idol! It's annoying! You know, Tay used to be a country singer! And she was amazing at it! If you think she's good now, go listen to some of he old country songs! Totally different! She used to be so much of a soul singer, but now when I hear Shake It Off, it makes me want to cry. I miss the old Tay! She was my idol starting at 6 years old. The old her still is my idol, but the new one, not so much. Sorry for the rant it just makes me mad when people say oh my god Taylor's so amazing and she's so new to this. Yeah thats what someone said to me. Newsflash! She's not new to singing, she's new to pop! Anyways yep. The country Tay is my idol. I just wish she would pick her guitar back up, ya know? Anything making you guys mad like that? Feel free to rant saying you love Taylor Swift, I just think she was better as a country girl. Just my opinion, don't hate. Feel free to share yours in the comments. But if you haven't heard her country, I definitely recommend you listen to it.

Yep that's how my life's been. What about you guys?


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