Because It's Training Time

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This chapter is really late because of an issue on the app. The full explanation is on the Author's Note in the next chapter. I'm really sorry about it guys!
(2 months later)

"Now 200 more pushups, 300 sit-ups, and 50 laps around the clearing! Then we start hand to hand combat. After, we go paw to paw combat. (See what I did there :D) Get a move on people!" Damien yelled from the other side of the clearing.

Although he was my mate, it didn't make him go any easier on me during training. If anything, it made him push me harder.

Nonetheless, I started my pushups without complaint. Damien came over and sat on me. Oh shit's gonna hit the fan in a minute.

"Do you mind?" I asked, teeth clenched and anger seeping through my voice.

"No carry on." He replied in a cheery voice. Won't be so cheery in a minute.

I threw him off me and into a tree. Of course it wasn't hard enough to hurt him, but his eyes did widen to big saucers as he tried to catch his breath.

"Don't mess with me next time." I growled, going back to my pushups. Once I had finished the beginning part of the workout, we had hand to hand combat. Damien fought me of course because he "doesn't want the other guys to hurt me." Yeah, I'm not made of glass, sweetheart.

We got into our normal fighting stances and started circling. Everyone came over to watch of course. Our fights were pretty interesting.

After a while, Damien, as most men do, got impatient. His right hand threw an uppercut straight to my stomach, but I blocked it with the flat of my hands. I went for a high kick to the side, but he grabbed me by the ankle and twisted it sideways. Instead of howling in pain, I simply jumped into mid air and rolled my body twice to break his grip, landing in my fighting stance once more.

We began circling again like vultures, and soon, he struck again. This time it was a sweep kick which I dodged my jumping not only over his feet, but over him.

I jumped on his back, wrapping my legs around his waist, and pulled backwards and to the side, causing us both to fall, him below me. As we fell, I unwrapped my legs and wrapped my hands around his thick arm, pulling his shoulder back until he could no longer move.

My knees sat on either side of his waist and I was resting on his cute little butt. "Well, I kicked your butt in human form. Wolf form next?" I asked, grinning slightly while I got off him and pulled him to his feet.

"Yeah, but you won't beat me this time." He challenged. Oh hell no. He did not just.

I quickly jogged behind a tree and took off all my clothes, not wanting them to rip during the shift. Soon, I was in my beautiful white wolf form with the vines running from my neck down to my waist, all on my left side.

I trotted back over to the clearing and got into my wolf fighting stance, which looks a little like human fighting stances except we have our jaws open, ready to bite into flesh. Not hard enough to make him bleed of course, more of like a playful nip.

Damien trotted back and we started circling once again.

Guess who made the first move? You got it! Him.

He went to bite my ankles, but I jumped over him and onto his back. He bucked, trying to get me off, but once I'm latched on, you won't get me off unless I want to be off.

Eventually I got bored of sitting on his back, so I brought my teeth down to his neck and nipped him, signaling the fight was over. He stopped bucking and I stepped off his back slowly, being careful to not hurt him.

Once we were both shifted back, he went to go do some alpha work and I went to get some lunch. What? I was hungry!

I quickly made a turkey sandwich and ate it while laying down to watch one of my favorite movies ever, Real Steel.

Halfway through the movie, I think I fell asleep, because I felt myself being lifted up and carried before drifting back to sleep.

That actually is one of my favorite movies. I'm still wondering what happened to Real Steel 2 though? They had a script written for it before the movie even premiered, and it was so popular, so they could make a ton of money off a second one.

Anyways what are your guys' favorite movies?

Don't be a silent reader!


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