The Shift

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As you may have already guessed, the above picture is Abby's wolf. Enjoy!

Italics represents mind speaky shiz!


(Skip ahead to 3 months later since I don't want to write 3 months worth of school and bonding and shiz. That seems like a lot of work. Carry on.)

Tonight's the night of the bonfire.

No, not a school bonfire. Just a bonfire with the gang.

It was a start of winter break party. We wanted to have a little celebration since it was the last time some of us would see each other until the new year. And this happened.


(To the bonfire)

We were talking around the fire, laughing about some prank we had pulled a while back, when a searing pain shot through my spine. I tried to hide my pain and seem engaged in the conversation, but the pain kept spreading.

It was like someone was putting every single one of my bones on fire.

I let out a groan and slumped against Damien.

"Abby what's wrong?" He asked, feeling my forehead with a look of concern. His eyes flashed a deep look of understanding just a few moments later.

"Comon Abby, we've gotta get you to the woods."

The woods? Why would I need to go to the woods? I need to go back to my dorm and take some painkillers, not waltz through the forest!

He picked me up bridal style and motioned the others to stay put.

They looked a little worried, but reluctantly nodded their heads in agreement.

He carried me to a small clearing in the middle of the forest and laid me down on the cool grass. It tickled at my feet softly, and normally I would be staring up at the sky and listening to the birds.

But not tonight.

I screamed out in pain as my bones began to crack and move under my skin.

Oh my god, am I shifting?

Yes, yes you are.

Whoa, who are you?

I am your wolf. My name is Crystal.

Well hi Crystal, sorry to be rude, but when's thus pain gonna end?

Right now she whispered softly, making the pain stop immediately.

I looked down and saw instead of feet, snow white paws.

Trotting over to a small little pond on the far side of the clearing, I looked at my reflection in the water.

She was beautiful. She was pure white with an elegant look about her that just screamed sophistication. She looked dainty, yet strong. Caring, yet firm.

Damien looked at me in shock for a few minutes. He still hadn't moved from his spot next to where I was previously laying. His jaw was nearly touching the ground. But why? What was so special about me?

Sweetie, it's because of the markings on the back of your neck. They are vines thst crawl down your neck and curve to end midway down your bicep. They also go down to the very bottom of your back. It's very pretty. You'll see them when you look in the mirror.

But what do they mean?

You'll find out soon enough. I cannot tell you, for it is part of your destiny to figure out who you are on your own. Damien can help, though. Go to him now. Find the answers you seek. I will be here when you need me. I cannot tell you, for it is part of your destiny for you to find out who you are on your own. Damien can help, though. Go to him now. Find the answers you seek. I will be here when you need me.

Thanks, Crystal!

Anytime, love.


I have so many ideas for new books right now and I'm trying to write them all down while righting this book! Why can't the ideas come when I'm near the end of a book?

Anyways that's my life right now. How's yours?

Oh yeah, if you guys ever have any good pranks to use for the story, just put them in the comments! If I use one, I'll try to remember to give credit.

Yes, that does mean Abby is going to become a prankster.

Merry Christmas or whatever you celebrate! Or if nothing, happy nothing day! I got a tablet, so I am going to start writing on that. It's a lot bigger of a screen then I'm used to, so if I make any spelling errors please point them out in the comments and I will fix them as soon as possible.


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