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There was only an infinitesimal space between

her mug and her face, and she savored the scent of the caffeine.

She set the mug down and stood, wherein she saw her figurine

shadowed by the lantern behind her, the one that sat right next to her television screen.

For their third date, she asked him to come over, as a way of breaking their routine,

of them going to the restaurant, and, as he notes, of her "causing some kind of scene".

She couldn't care less about the restaurant, the routine or the damn scene,

all she cared about was to get him once and for all, with absolutely no one there to intervene.

She glided her hands across the kitchen counter - the one so old, it had not even a hint of a sheen,

He was to come in four minutes now, and, as she looked out the window, she sighed in relief at what she had seen.

An hour ago, she threw broken glass from her window, which, of course, no driver would have foreseen,

So the glass punctured the cars' tires , causing large traffic, and, given that he was a car driver,

There was no way he would come in the next four minutes - more like in the next fifteen.

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