Chapter 7

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Niku’s POV


When Kleyton walked away from my classroom, I followed him silently. I’m a spy so I practically don’t need attending my classes. I saw him with another girl, well that hurts seeing another girl hugging him. Wait—what? NOOOOO, I am totally not jealous, in case you’re thinking about that. May I remind you that I hate him and this mission and I’m being forced to do this stupid mission, not to mention me being his slave for a month, what a perfect life right?

Kleyton’s wearing a brown khaki shorts and a black v-neck shirt. He was so gorgeous, a mouthwatering gorgeous Godlike creature. I really like the way he smirks at me and darn his perfect white teeth makes me wanna kiss him. His chiseled jaw and perfect cheek bone, so extravagantly molded. His hazel brown eyes were so captivating, it makes you wanna stare in those deep hazel eyes forever, his eyes is beautifully paired to his dark brown messy hair.

The girl beside him is obviously flirting with him, she’s a blonde and wears too little cloth, I say she’s like a runway model, she’s beautiful but gives you the aura of a mean bitch, so you typically don’t wanna mess with her or you’ll regret it.

I’m too far from them to hear their conversation and I’m afraid if I’ll go nearer, they may notice me, so I waited patiently for them to finish talking. I want to make sure Kleyton went to his class, so I could get on my goal for this day and that is, to break in his house and put some cameras inside it, you know to monitor him 24/7. The interrogation last night with Nathaniel was a total waste of time. He didn’t give us the list of names he’s working with, says he’s willing to give up his life for the sake of succession in eliminating the Cartson family. We didn’t kill him by the way; he’s still in jail together with his men, Frank’s plan to torture him and his men until they give up.

I’m really not a fan of torture but I do believe it’s the most effective way to get important informations to stubborn criminals and it’s been proven.

After the talk with the girl, Kleyton entered his classroom and that was my cue, I ran towards my car. For this moment, I’m alone, Frank has a meeting with my Dad while Ben was sick, so I let him rest in our rented house, I also dismissed Ben’s team. I didn’t bring my earplug and mic, I don't need them anyway. Ben and Frank insisted on postponing the goal but I told them, it’s pretty simple and they don’t need to worry about me. What harm could it get me? I’m just breaking into an empty house and putting some cameras all over it, it’s not like I’m gonna fight with bunch of dirty men again.

Before I left my rented house a while ago, Frank had told me that Kleyton tried to search my file, good thing Ben used his skill as the computer geek and gave Kleyton false informations about me. Why is he searching for my files anyway? Maybe it has something to do last night, what if he noticed something wierd, geez I have to be more careful now.

After driving for several minutes, I finally arrived at his house. Seeing his house, I dropped my jaw; it was really beautiful and has a unique style. It was huge and what an enormous mansion. What the hell? He’s a multibillionaire, so having a house like this, is really normal. His house is painted with white; it was so classic and elegant. There’s a huge fountain at the front which is surrounded with beautiful white and red roses. The surroundings were covered with green grasses and a spacious center isle from the gate, surrounding the fountain and to the front of his house. I think the path is made of marble. I looked again at my GPS, just to make sure I’m on the right house and yes, this is definitely his.

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