the photo project

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Castiel wasnt shy or something. He just was wierd. No one really talked with him. But no one avoided him. He was just there. In his mind he was almost invisible for the others. He didnt noticed the shy, hidden looks the girls gave him. He was attractive. He just didnt know. And then there was Dean Winchester. The playboy, a ladysmen. The school-star. He was handsome, charming and never alone. Everyone knew him. And nobody dared to mess with him. Because if Dean got angry he could crush you in no time. So everyone was friendly. Dean always had Girls around him. And he always kissed a different one. But no one was  mad about it because everyone knew that Dean wasnt into serious relationships. Kylie was just a girl from the photographer-class. And their new art-project had a very...special topic. "Intimate moments" As a teenager or young adult you think of course about sex. But this was a schoolproject so porn wasnt allowed. But Kylie had a plan. A plan inclouding Dean and Castiel. So she wrote a note to both of them. An invitation for a photo-project, three afternoons, you are allowed to skip your classes for this time. Be comfortable with nudity, nothing would be published if you dont want to.

When Castiel got his invitation he was confused. And a bit scared about the nudity part. He heard about the project but why would anyone have him for it? But he got curiouse so he sayed yes. Dean took the invatation also slightly confused but skipping classes sounded nice. And why not take a little adventure.Se he said also yes.

Kylie couldnt beliefe her luck. The two most handsome guys in school wanted to model for her project. If they only knew her plan. Almost everyone at Castiels grade knew about his serious crush for Dean. No one could blame him. But it was almost sad to watch him watching Dean. So Kylies plan was to get them together. At least for three afternoons. She told them both the dates. Three afternoons in a row. Since both had classes then they had time. This could be great. Or a disaster. Who knows. She was willing to take the risk. 

When Dean arrived at the appartment Kylie had rent for this Castiel was already there. Both guys didnt knew who would be the partner. So when Dean entered they both just starred in shock. Kylie smiled. "Hey Dean. So, before we start, are you both okey with shooting with another guy? Remember, i will only publish photos you agree to publish. So if you dont want to be recognised its no problem. And i have to know if you both are comfortable with beeing naked and very intimate for this. I wont force you to something but..." She looked at the boys. Castiel nodded almost shy. "Well, we both agreed to this, dont we? So i guess we just do it. Tell us what you want us to do." Dean spoke. Kylie couldnt help and grinned about the blush on both faces. "Well, it shoud look natural. So it have to be natural. I will only give you a few starting-orders. And then we will se where it goes." Now she blushed a bit. "My absolutly perfect goal would be you two having sex while i take pictures but if this goes to far i am totally okey with it. But i want you to strip down to boxers at some point. i hope youre still into it." The guy looked a bit shocked. "You..want to take pictures of two guy...of us while we have sex? You knew that we are not a couple or something like that?" Castiels deep voice send shivers down Deans spine. They never really had spoken. Sure, they had some classes together but thats it. " I know, i know. And you dont have to. But i wanted a couple who never had been together like this before. Because then it would be more...special. Not so routined, you know." Dean glanced at Castiel. "Youre okey with that?" "If you are, i guess i am." Kylie klapped her hans. "Great, give me a few minutes to set up light and camera. Then we can start."

The Photo-project (Destiel)Where stories live. Discover now