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Dean was worried the whole weekend. No message from Cas. But he didnt dare to call him. When he arrived at school the mood was...silent. Like everyone knew about the devil. The Novaks looked broken. No sign of a wound but they didnt looked up or talked. Dean tried to talk to Cas, to ask him but cas just shooked his head. And Dean didnt tried anymore. He was just watching him. Protecting him from the far.

At the first break everyone knew that the devil had hurt the Novaks. They havent said something or showed it but the way they moved told everything. Especially Castiel. After Cas left the bathroom Dean slipped in. Only to find bloody tissues in the bin. He hurried after Castiel. In class he couldnt take his eyes of Cas. The teacher didnt mind, she knew about the devil. Then they should write something. But Castiels hand with the pen was just shaking. Dean saw it. He noticed that Cas had become weaker with every hour. He could see the pale skin. Without caring that it was middle of the class he stood up and went to Cas. He kneeled infront him. And a cold hand clenched around his heart. Castiels bright eyes were dark and empty. His skin was whiter then snow and cold like it, covered in a thin layer of sweat. He didnt noticed Dean. The teacher picked up the phone. "i call an amulance." Dean nodded and picked up Castiel. Like a baby he carried hin out of the room. Jess stood up to open him the doors. She looked worried. When the ambulance arrived Dean decided to come with them. Jess went back into the building. But before she went back to class she searched for the other Novaks to tell them. Both of them went pale when she told Castiel was in hospital. Anna almost freaked out. "No..he cant...he told us not to...if he finds out...." Her friends hugged her tight to calm her down and Jess left. Gabe just looked down. But Jess could see his tear. Back in class she felt so bad.

At the hospital Dean had to wait. They had put Castiel into surgery. Dean wrote Sam a message about what happened. Then he called Bobby. Whenever John, his real father wasnt around and they needed something they called Bobby. Dean told him about the devil and everything. "Boy, stay where you are. I will take care about the rest. Dont worry."  And dean knew Bobby would do everything he could.

Bobby called sherrif Mills. He knew her well. And she would help. She gave Bobby the permition to get the stuff of the novak siblings and that they could stay with him. Bobby might didnt look like he would care or you could trust him but the truth was there was no better one then bobby. So he took his old pickup and drove to the novaks. A women opened. She looked scared. Bobby didnt blame her. "Hi, i am bobby. I am here to get some stuff of the siblings, they wont return home soon." The women looked reliefed and worried. But she let bobby in. A tall guy entered the hall. He looked dangerous. "Who are you that you can think you can decide where my siblings stay?" he asked aggresive. "A friend of the sherrife. She send me after one of youre siblings collapsed in school." He turned to the woman. "Would you help me with the stuff they need?" She just nodded shy ant went upstairs. Bobby glanced at the guy and followed. Mentioning the sherrif was right. 10 minutes and three packed badges later bobby left. He felt guilty to let the woman behind but the kids needed him more. Bobby headed to school to pick up the two left novaks. Luckily he found them quick, the sherrif had already informed the school and they were sitting in the hall, guarded by a teacher. Without a word they followed bobby. Everything was better then go home to the devil.

After a few hours Dean could visit Castiel. lots of maschines were beeping. And lots of tubes were attached to Castiels body. He looked so small and weak. A doctor entered. "Youre the guy who brought him here?" He asked. Dean nodded. "Well done. Just in time. Castiel has a lot of broken bones. One of his rips went into his lounge. he was almost drowning in his own blood. And he was punshed a lot, lots of bruises and hurt organs. He will need a lot of time to recover." Dean swalloed hard. The doctor left and Dean sat down beside Castiel. And waited. At first Sam came to visit. Then Jess. Then bobby with Gabriel and anna. Gabriel left the room soon. He couldnt see his little brother like this. Sam went after him to cheer him up. Anna started to shake. Jess rushed to her and dragged her out to calm her down. Only bobby stayed with Dean. After a while Bobby left to drive the kids back home. Jess and sam left too. A nurse came in to do a check-up. She tried to get Dean out but he stayed. They let him. it was almost night when a tall guy with sandy hair entered the hospital. He asked for Castiel Novak. And went straight to the room he was told to. Luckily Sherrif Mills was there, talking to a doctor about Castiel when Lucifer came. She stopped him. "Lucifer Novak, youre not allowed to get close to Castiel." she said. Lucifer glared at her. "And why not?" "Until we exactly knew what happened over the weekend no one who was with him over this time is allowed to enter his room." She lied. "i am his goddamn brother, if i want to visit him i do. You cant tell me what to do" lucifer barked. Sherrif Mills just wanted to answer when the Monitors in Castiels room started to blink and the alarms beeped. The nurses and Doctors rushed inside. Dean started to panic. A nurse dragged him to side, holding him so he couldnt distrub the others. And then Castiels heart monitor went blank. Even lucifer looked a bit shocked about that. They tried to reanimate Castiel. One, twice. No reaction. Dean cried and screamed. "Please, Castiel, you cant die, dont leave me....Cas!" A third try to reanimate. nothing. The monitor stayed blank.

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