The last project

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Almost a year went past before Castiel was allowed to go back to school. He had been downgraded but that was okey. His Friends and Dean were still there. And everyone was helpfull. Because they knew. Dean and Castiel had become a legend. One lunchbreak Kylie sat down at their table. "So ,guy, been a while. But i wanted to talk to you. I didnt published the pics i took of you. After everything happend it felt wrong. But, you may noticed i sneaked in to hospital sometimes taking pictures of you." Dean smiled. He had noticed. "I still want to make a project about you. And since this is my last year i have to do a big end-project. Would you two like two be my last project? The big end?" Dean and Castiel smiled at each other. "Why not..sounds fun. But show us befoe you publish. you still have some...very private pics." Dean answered. Castiel chuckled.

Kylie became there shadow, following them and taking pictures. Two months before the end of the year she stopped and locked herself in her room to finish her project. The big day came. The whole school had to watch the projects of the art was mostly boring. But this year, Dean, Castiel and their friends where looking foreward to it. Lots of boring art later it was Kylies turn. Lights out, Beamer on. "A bit more then a year ago we got a project to do. "intimate moments" And i decided to do something crazy. I asked the most handsome and famous guy at our school to model for this project. And i asked the attractive wierd guy who had a crush on him for the same." The first picture appeared. Deans hand on Castiels cheek. Only the hand but they both knew it. the remebered. "I asked them to kiss. Two guy who never really talked before. They did." Second pic, lips on lips. Kylie smirked. "I had hopes for what happened next but i never really expected it." Pictures of naked skin, hands on bodies, kisses. Sweatdrops on heated skin. Some pictures were colored, some were black and white. "Three afternoons. Just three. And with awesome results." More pictures. Handcuffs, scratches, arched backs, wet soap-covered skin, hands resting on bare chests. No porn but still everyone knew what happened. "At the last afternoon they went on their first date. It was the day the devil came back." A sneaked pic of lucifer. "Next monday one of them fellt into coma, beaten up by the devil." Kylies voice was sad and seriouse. pictures from bruises, bandages and bloody wounds appeared. A pale hand  on white bedsheets. "They stayed together, the famouse guy refused to leave his beloved one." Deans hand around Castiels, Dean laying on Castiels side, faces still not shown. "But miracles can happend. He woke up." Open, blue eyes. "Lots of time and trainig later they could leave hospital." Deans hands supporting Castiel on his way out. Johns car waiting. "And he could even come back to school. They finally could be the happy couple the deserved to be. " Pictures of smiles, hands tangled together, small kisses. Two heads over homework, two bodys on the grass, curled up against each other, clearly asleep. "this is my big end. A lovestory that sounds to cute to be real. A very special thanks to you guys that you allowed me to take these pictures and to publish them. Good luck both of you. May the ship never sink" The last picture showed finally their faces. Revealed their identity. But everyone already knew. It was a picture of them kissing. Nothing special. But it was sweet. The audience awwed. Dean smirked at Castiel and stood up. Both entered the stage and hugged Kylie. "well Kylie, thank you for you ridiculus idea. Without you nothing of this would have happened." Dean said into he mic. Castiel snapped it away. "without you i would have been home when Lucifer came back. And i would have died. So you saved my life. thank you. And thank you for making these awesome pictures." He gave back the microphone. Then Dean cupped his face and kissed him. The audience cheered.

Two years later

It was Deans and Castiels wedding. And of course Kylie made a speach. She told about the project. Recapt their story shortly. "i still have every picture. And You allowed me to publish them. To turn them into a book and sell them. I will love you for eternity for this. And i am very happy to give you the first exemplar of it. I thougt a long time about a name. So here you are, youre own version of "destiel" " she smiled and handed them a book. Then she leaned closer. "this is the public version. Later you will get a privat one, only for you with some...delicate pictures. " Dean smirked and Castiel blushed a bit.

Later at home they sat down together. Both books infront them. "Lets see what pics Kylie put in our privat edition." Castiel said. After a few pages Dean put the book on the table to kiss Cas. It was a heated kiss, full of lust and need. Because the pictures brought back some memories and feelings.

They decided to keep the book in the bedroom. no one else was allowed to see this version. But sometimes they would take it, look through the photos. And they always ended up making out and having sex like teenagers.

The Photo-project (Destiel)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz