The date

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Dean drove to a diner near by. It wasnt something special but food here was good. The both guys sat down, eating and chatting a bit. After all it was still a bit akward to be together like this. After a while a guy stepped towards them. It was a schoolmate. "hej, sorry for interrupting you. But Dean, what are you doing?" Dean was confused. "Hey Mick...just eating with a friend. why?" "Really Dean...please dont hurt Castiel like this." Now Castiel was confused too. "Hurt him? Why would eating with him hurt him?" Dean asked. "Not just eating with him. You gave him a ride home. and to school. You let him stay over night. You never do something like this. And now youre here, almost like a date. Dont play with Castiels feelings like that." Castiel blushed. O gosh, mick knew. Not about the project but... "His feelings? Mick, i have no clue what you mean." Mick looked at Castiel and sighted. "You really dont have. But everyone else. Castiel have a massive crush on you. For years. Everyone can see it. its almost sad to watch how he never dared to make a move on you because he thinks hes not woth it. And he is blind to see the other girl looking at him in awe. even some guy. Gosh, Cas, youre hot. And i say this as a straight guy. Most in youre grade adore you. But no one really knows how to talk to you. Dean, whatever youre plans are, dont hurt Castiel. Dont break him." Mick stepped back, ready to leave. "Mick wait, let me explain. before you spread rumors." Mick stayed. "First of all, really Cas, you have a crush on me?" Dean asked. Casiel only nodded, not looking to Mick or Dean, cheeks burning red. "We talk about this. Mick, Cas and i we worked for Kylie on her photo-project the last days. And yesterday was exhausting so we stayed for the night. And since we had to go to her again today i gave Cas a ride." "Wait, the photo-project..isnt the theme intimate moments ore something like that?" Mick interrupted. Now Dean blushed to. "What did she make you both do?" Dean looked away, blushing even harder. Mick just starred at them when he realized what they had done. "Dont tell me she...i kick her ass. She knew about Castiels crush." He sounded seriously angry. A thought flashed Deans mind and hit him in the face. "Maybe...maybe thats why she did it. To get us togehter. make the ship sail. " Castiel and mick looked both at Dean. Then mick looked to Castiel and back to Dean. "And..did it work?" he asked. Castiel hold his breath. Dean smirked. "i guess so." he grabbed Castiels hand. "well then...i go to kick her ass for the cruel plan. then i kiss her because it worked. But Dean, dont fuck it up. Good luck Castiel." "Mick, please, just...dont tell someone. Not yet. It would be strange and we dont want to know everybody that Kylies pic...that we are on them. And it would be very obviously if we get together now." mick nodded. "Dont worry, my mouth stays shut" Then he left. Castiel just watched him. Then he looked at Dean. "Cas, youre alright? Was Mick right? Do you have a crush on me?" Cas nodded. "And you never told me because you thought youre not worth it?" Cas nodded again. "Cas, listen, i always thought you were handsome. You were quiet but good at school, you were always polite. I thought you were interestning. But, like everyone else i didnt knew how to talk to you. And honestly, i didnt knew that i found you that hot until two days ago. Hell, i didnt even knew that i was gay or bi or whatelse." Castiel smiled. "Thanks for your words dean. To be honest this feels like a dream. I never thought, no i never had the real hope that you would talk to me. Or have sex with me like we had. I expect to wake up every moment and that this was just another dream. Yes i dreamed about you. a lot. But i dont want to force you to something. If the project is over after tonight i am fine. Well, no i wouldnt be fine but i would take it. I..." Castiel got silented by Deans lips on his. "Castiel, i like you. The three afternoons where the best i ever had. I would never let you go like there was nothing. So please give me a chance. I am not good at this, talking about feelings and stuff. But i will try for you. Please, be my boyfriend" Castiels breath was gone, his mind blank. Dean waited patiently for Castiels answer. He knew he would say yes. And that he needed some time to collect himself togehter again. A smile appeared on Cas face. "Yes Dean, i would love to be youre boyfriend. And i promise i will be patient and teach you how to talk about youre feelings." Dean chuckled. "what a great first date."

They talked about a lot. Until Castiel got a call. "Castiel Novak" "Cas, heres anna, wherever you are, stay away. Dont come home. he is back." Anna whispered on the other side of the phone. Castiels face went white. "Even if you have to sleep under a bridge, everything is better...safer then comming home. i have to go, he cant find out i warned you. Be safe." With that the call was ended. Castiels hand was shaking. Dean took the phone out of his hand. "Cas who was that? What happened?" "My sister...she told me that...he is home again. And that i should stay away." "Who is home? And why should you stay away?" "My brother. Have you ever heard of The devil from Sercos?" Sercos was a burned place near town. Of course dean had heard about the devil. A cruel and mad guy who loved to bully and torture others. He had a few fellows, called the demons. One day he burned Sercos down. They say he burned the Kiosk because the owner didnt gave him everything for free. Serco got badly hurt and the guy arrested a few days later. That was the end of the demons. His fellows stayed friendly after their leader left. But still no one dared to get closer to Sercos. It was still a cursed place. And this guy was Castiels brother? "His name is Lucifer....for real. He is the oldest. Then cames Gabriel and Anna, i am the youngest. Luce hates me. Because i was the one who told the cops where he was. But even before that he was always cruel. He hit us the most. We are used to hide our wounds and our pain. When he left oure life became a lot better. If i go home he will kill me. Thats why Anna called." Dean was stunned. Poor guy. "I understand. You can come with me. Dad isnt home and sammy wouldnt mind." A spark of hope appeared in Castiels eyes. "really?" "Sure, lets go. I will kep youre safe and protect you." Dean got up and put a arm around Castiel. He paied and they left.

Dean was right, Sam was fine with Castiel staing over night. And Castiel feeled safe with Dean. School was akward next day. Because the town is small and rumors spreading fast. The Novak-siblings seemed all a bit stressed out, afraid. And there was this whisper about the Devils comeback. The older ones remembered very well. At lunch the Novaks were sitting together. They never did. Anna was always with her cheerleaderfriends, Gabriel would do some pranks while eating candy and Cas would sit alone. Suddenly Cas got a textmessage on his phone. Just two words. But they scared him to death. "Come home" His siblings looked also scared. But what were they supposed to do. The worst part was that it was friday. So they had to spend the whole weekend at home. After lunch Castiel told Dean. Dean was skocked. He didnt want Castiel to go home. But he couldnt really do something about it. After school the three Novaks slowly walked home. Dean, Garth, Mick and Jess were watching them, like lot of other student too. "They look like they are walking straight to their execution." Garth said. A unfamilliar voice behind them appeared. "They probbably are. I knew Lucifer before he went to jail. We were classmates. I always felt pity for his siblings. To live with the devil. I saw Lucifer beating up people when he was happy. I dont want to know what he can do if he is mad." The guy looked sad. And then he left. Dean swalloed.

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