Bro code closing remarks

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Not sure if anyone read this but I didn't want leave people waiting of the whole bro code thing.

Lets just say it went no where. Two days later I finally got the courage to tell him my thoughts.

I wrote him a letter. I know I know how cheese but there was no other way. I knew it was going to be a long time since the next time I was going to see him so I didn't want to lead him own.

It was they hardest thing I have ever down. It was the first time I had put my emotions out in the open. I pretty much told him I was not into him and that the whole long distance and the fact that he was best friend with my favorite cousin had a major impact.

After re reading it for what seemed to be 100 times I sent it to him. After sending it I felt like I had just ruined a good friendship and texted my cousin.

I explained to him everything and he was surprising very supporting. I told him that if anything changed to tell me. luckily to this day, almost 3 month later he is still friends. He said it was awkward at first but it was back to normal after a while.

But I know that sadly nothing will ever go back to "normal". This whole thing will forever have a small in pact in their friendship even though they deny it.

To this day I still have him on snapchat. I see his story and he sees mine. I can't tell you how many times I have been tempted to delete him, but I have never been able to go trough with it. Is it weird???

But I'm somewhat glad I kept his username. After seeing some of his post I have truly been able to see we would of never been able to workout. He likes to party; don't get me wrong, I like to party but not like him. He does the whole drinking and smoking thing and I'm just not ok with that.

I have had few drinks here and there, but I will never do drinks. I have always told myself that I would never date a guy that smokes especially if they smoked weed. They can have drinks here and there but I draw my line when it comes to drugs.

But the good thing we ended in a good note and according to him their was no hard feeling. But we both know better than that, nothing between us will ever be the same. But I guess that's what happens when you break bro. code.


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