Chapter 3 My Other Half

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I had sat with Mirabell until all her bones were healed, then she fell asleep. I'm carrying her in my arms and looking for a place to put her. She needs a bed, but I'm not even sure if there are any down here. There is not a single thing that's cozy in this place.
I decide to just lay her down at the ground.
I had so many thoughts in my head. What is happening with my life? And how could they push Mira down? She is, or was at least, considered as the nicest child in heaven. She made everyone smile and everyone loved her.
I also loved her, I still do. She would always choose me before anyone else. She's my other half.
"Mirabell?" I say.
"I have to go see someone" I inform her.
"Okay" she says without bothering and goes back to sleep again.
I try my best to find the way to Deyanira's office, but there are to many tunnels and corridors that lead to nothing. Somehow I recognize a tunnel, follow it and finally find the door to Deyanira's office.
Before I walk in I take a deep breath and straighten up.
'Knock, knock' it sounds when my knuckles meet the door.
"Who's there?" I hear Deyanira's voice from behind the door.
"Who do you think it is?" I answer.
"Oh, Maia! Come in darling".
When I open the door I meet Deyanira's smile. She's sitting on a black armchair behind her desk and her computer is on.
"What's your plan when it comes to the war? Is there any point of doing it?" I ask.
"Oh, darling, It's not safe for any of us if the humans know. Haven't you seen their news report at the TV?". She looks like a puppy doing that thing with her lips.
"Why would I?" I say.
She turns her computer around and pushes the play button on the screen. A news woman starts to talk.
"Earlier today a young man came to us and told us about some sort of heaven, hell, angels and devils. He even has a video of a girl with wings" the woman says and a clip of Mirabell pops up. I take a chocked breath and force myself to keep watching.
"Can this be true? And if so, will we stay in peace with them or will there be a war?"
Deyanira looks at me with wrinkles in her for head, but a smile at her lips.
"So, what? You can't just decide if there will be a war or not, they haven't done you anything" I say and cross my arms.
She shows me another clip with a large street, filled with humans. They are angry and shouting. In their hands they have signs with texts like SAY YES TO ANGELS, SAY NO TO DEVILS and DOWN WITH THE EVIL.
The clip stops and Deyanira turns her dark eyes against me. "So, do you want a place in the army?"

Sisters In HellOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora